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Posts posted by arkadius_x

  1. Ok I see I have my work cut out for me on this thread. I'm going to time save it though.


    First start with a uniform distribution of particles. I don't care if those particles is matter or radiation. However for the record relativistic radiation drops out of thermal equilibrium first.


    Secondly the sequence particles drop out of thermal equilibrium is determined by their TOTAL MASS. Both rest mass and inertial mass.


    The gas laws are part of the FLRW metric. Each particle has an equation of state that corresponds its density to pressure relations. Just like in thermodynamics.


    For mathematical treatment to the gas laws. treat as an adiabatic and isotropic fluid. Stars and Galaxies are mere dust on cosmological scales.


    Start there with the math Strange has been requesting.


    EoS here.




    I can tell you. I can not only explain the CMB. I can calculate the number density of every common particle within that background. Just by the temperature.


    For that use The Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.


    Hmm the problem is that people constantly avoid discussion about presented in the topic HYPOTHESIS THAT IF we CHANGE word "curvature" , onto "EXPANSION" ... than we understand general evolution of cosmos,stars and atoms behaviours ("CHAPTER3 OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE") .... SOMETHING GENERAL RELATIVITY NEVER EVEN ATTEMPTED to explain, cause basicly couldn't ...u know why ?


    -General Relativity as a theory calculates "space curvatures", "dips, craters in space" (from geometrical deformation) .... only ...nothing more (thats why is so useless with explaining anything basic=practical.


    ...i can add also that those are still "calculations of Newtonian initial structure curvatures"


    Basicly what i claim is that property of space has not "CURVING ABILITY", but a distance EXPANSION/CONTRACTION changes, DUE TO MASS FACTOR INFLUENCE. (mass/energy cumulation)


    For example your mate claims ...that GR always predicted expansion due to mass absorbtion.....hmmm i could say .....So what dark and invisible energy concept is doing in "physics" today ....and even more basic issue... how come general relativity can explain expansion if ONLY FORCE KNOWN TO GR IS GRAVITY - "the strenght of attraction" ... pull, but where is push out (source of separation force) in this model he ?







    I don't make any such claim. I have no idea what you are talking about.


    I asked ...where on the map of cosmic background radiation can u see expansion (Hydrogen separation), as i see only concentration on whole map area -brighter zones ....u than answered ... "In the temperature and black body spectrum." ...so how i should interprete your answer ? COSMIC BACKGROUND RADIATION MAP observation issue and question that was.



    The colours on the map show variations in temperature. The variations are less than 1 millionth of a degree though.


    Everyone with "access to google" can figure it out quickly, however u will never find there an answer WHERE IS ACTUAL EXPANSION ON A MAP OF THE HYDROGEN WHICH WE SEE STARTED TO CONDENSATE EVERYWHERE and its not SEPARATING AND EXPANDING as big bang theory claims


    (thats why my question came ...where and which force separated, observed - initial almost one consistent Hydrogen cloud, cause i see only cumulation on the map)





    In the big bang model, there has always been a uniform distribution of matter and energy.


    Lol ...how come "big bang was always predicting uniform matter distribution" ...if whole theory came from assumption that IF UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING NOW. IT USED TO BE SMALLER ...AND SMALLER AND SMALLER (not uniformly distributed from the beginning lol) AND SMALLER down to a coffe cup ....so thats why "explosion from singularity occured in model" .....


    ....so i still got no idea how come "big bang" predicted even before observations ..."uniform matter distribution"...





    It is almost as if you do not know what you are talking about. Maybe it is a language problem. But I think you would be better off asking questions to fill the apparent gaps in your understanding, rather than claiming to have a "theory".


    LOL ...thats what i am doing asking question ...





    The universe has always been uniformly full of matter and energy. As the density dropped and it cooled, gravity allowed it to form denser areas. Eventually stars and galaxies formed in these areas.


    This model also doesn't have even logical foundation:


    You are saying here that Hydrogen cloud begun to concentrate (correct, fully agreed), but than u say : "as an effect density drops"(in blue areas) and gravity starts to form stars and galaxies in opposite hotter denser areas.


    ...ok but than we can ask ...where force of the universe expansion came from ? or did it expand at all and when...because u trying to claim that so called empty space came from "less density areas" ...where matter was "eaten" by hotter neighbourhood (what about acceleration of expansion than he?) ...if this is the only space ...where Universe is expanding to now?


    if u gonna say now that this is an effect of "dark energy" u can not claim as u try to do later ...that "GENERAL RELATIVITY KNOWS THAT MASS EXPANDS SPACE"





    No, I didn't say that. Inflation is still an unconfirmed hypothesis. It may turn out to be unnecessary.


    ...another paradox .. from one side u claim uniformity as "big bang prediction" ...and from the other u dont know (i got no idea how come) that theory of inflation is actuall "support", "spike" of false model ....which actually allows to any uniformity in bigbang, as original assumptions about expandable fireball (from singularity of the primal atom) were dismissed and excluded by actual sky and matter distribution observations (where not expected uniformity was a huge suprise)


    ...why u think theory of inflation even ever were produced and why came to the bigbang model?





    It does predict a uniform distribution of galaxies because it is based on the assumption that universe has always been completely and uniformly filled with matter.


    Anyone with a basic understanding of the big bang model would know this.


    Can u provide any sources showing in which year and whos assumption about uniform matter distribution in big bang model it was ....





    Pick one from here and explain why you think it is wrong: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_general_relativity


    One of my favourites, because it is a brilliant piece of experimental design, is the Pound-Rebka experiment.



    And then, of course, we have the recent detection of gravitational waves.


    Pound Rebka only shows that wave stretches and its not showing any space curvature...i am asking rather about OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCES where i can purely see that space is curved and i see how whole bodies are following curves ....


    How can such an evidences can even exist ....if at same time Einstein claims that "UNIVERSE IS FLAT" AS EVEN MASS OF THE SUN CAN NOT CURVE SPACE VISIBLY .... (according to Einstein and Edington observations.... Sun curves space in about 0,0000000000001 % of the single radius degree so does it have any logical sense ? ...i mean claiming that space is curved but flat ....isnt that another paradox ?


    If whole space structure is curved and those are reasons why solar system "not flyies away in to void of nothingness" ....why we see everything so flat ....why for example huge curve=gravitational well...made by Jupiter does not bend light coming from other galaxies etc.....




    It must be either finite or infinite, agreed. We do not know which it is. (Note, those choices are not the same as you gave before.)


    I don't know what "must occure" means.


    Direction of galaxies movement and expansion acceleration and position of background radiation on the sky ....match only to assumption that space is stretching-occuring effectively due to galaxies nucleus mass/energy concentration c)


    a) and b) space-infinite (hydrogen cloud excludes option a) / finite space (expansion exludes optionb) got no confirmations in observable universe and those options pure logic excludes.


    "must occure" means that ...if space exists ....must be either finite, infinite or being created effectively due to some ...x factor (cause we observe its existance)




    Anyway, enough of you displaying how little you know about the big bang model and back to YOUR model:


    Please show, in mathematical detail, how your model predicts the cosmic microwave background.


    This must quantitatively explain both the spectrum and the apparent temperature. You have avoided this question several times now. If you have a theory, then it must be able to predict this.


    My model is not predicting "cosmic background radiation" temperatures...so plz keep those useless and false numbers matched to the theory away (even Gamov and no one gave proper temperature prediction and it was constantly matched and changed). This is not even physics in logical standards reality - predictions of big bang occurance conditions.


    (anyway that "temperature prediction" was only based on logic that universe was in the past hot -which is not pure confirmation of any bigbang, but just saying that there was a hot soup ....nothing more ....everything else here is overinterpretation, soup could for example exist infinitely)


    First of all scientific standard requires observation which the earliest is cosmic background radiation POINTING ON UNIFORM HYDROGEN CLOUD WHICH BEGINS TO CONCENTRATE IN MANY PLACES AT SAME MOMENTUM ..and then straight away transforms in to expanding galaxies universe ....


    MY MODEL EXPLAINS MECHANISM OF MATTER TRANSFORMATION which is a real physics issue ......


    Question and issues about origin or what happened before Hydrogen soup are not valid scientific problems as thats not science in a real meaning...


    i am basicly showing that relation mass(concentration) -> space (expansion) reveals mechanisms of :


    cosmos evolution from initial cloud, direction movement, acceleration of expansion, shape of the universe, stars evolution(birth separation/death giant state expansion), solar systems evolution, new thermodynamics including:states of aggregation, principles of refrigeration, superconductivity etc ... plz look on "OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCES CHAPTER 3 SECTION"



    Just another couple of points:



    As the expansion of space (including Hubble's law and the CMB) was predicted using GR, that cannot be true.


    You are constantly missing the presented logic. Einstein in General Relativity excluded possibility of space expansion, as he was expecting to see "static", eternal and non-expandable Universe, thats why he introduced MASS-SPACE RELATION AS SPACE DEFORMATION (bend of initial Newtonian static structure) .


    Thats why any further analyse practicly excludes any space expansion, cause as u can see all physicists till today are calculating "SPACE CURVATURES which MASS MAKES" (at least thats what they think) ....NOT SPACE EXPANSION DUE TO MASS=ENERGY CONCENTRATION which is observed in every atom, star and galaxy.


    ...and finaly thats why concept of so called dark energy showed up in "only valid and confirmed bigbang model"....if we know that mass is causing expansion





    Yes, mass energy causing expansion is exactly what is predicted by GR (for a homogeneous distribution of mass-energy).


    ...lol.....not again

  2. In the temperature and black body spectrum.

    If as u claim ..darker places are big bang expansion evidences...than u must explain why only in those places expansion occures, as those places are basicly areas where Hydrogen was taken from = cooler=lesser density concentration


    So how this big bang H gas cloud exploded than from the inside.... in so many places on the CMB map ? (after inflation)


    P.SIi ve never heard that any scientists claims any expansion on the map as they say process of concentration, so called "richer(yelow and red areas) getting richer and poorer(darker blue areas) more poorer" has taken place on that map (or maybe i am wrong ...plz explain than). If you want i can provide support of above claim.



    "But the big bang wasn’t invented to explain the CMB, rather the CMB was a prediction made twenty years before its discovery."



    As i said .. big bang theory predicted not uniform Hydrogen distribution, but ONE HOT AREA OF EXPLOSION FROM SINGULARITY


    [you know ...whole idea of big bang came from assumption that if universe is expanding now ...in the past had to be smaller=denser=hotter down to singularity in a point ("so called by scientists primal egg atom"?) ...or i am wrong maybe ?]


    ..so that observation excluded original assumption. (ye ye right later so called Alan's Guth ultrafast "inflation" occured in big bang so theory "again predicted uniformity of Hydrogen" (lol) ...ok but than again we ask ...


    ...HOW UNIFORM HYDROGEN WHICH BEGUN TO CONCENTRATE ....EXPLODED TO CREATE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED GALAXIES ......anyone got maybe any idea ? ...another inflation or how primal H gas exploded in to what we see on the sky today ? (and finaly why everyone exploded from eachother?)



    According to the big bang model, the universe has always been uniformly filled with matter and energy. Surely you know that?



    Hmm ... as i said ... bigbang model after unifom galaxies observation, suddenly added to own theory so called "phase of inflation" . You claim that bigbang predicted inflation also (lol) ...so than when and who before Alan Guth even mentioned about one, as original fireball of explosion was expected to be detected on the sky observation (not uniformly distributed matter=same temperature which required so called "support in inflation")



    I am asking for a precise mathematical calculation of the spectrum predicted by your theory (so we can compare that with the spectrum of the CMB) and the temperature predicted by your theory (so we can compare that with the temperature of the CMB). In other words: numbers.



    Just in the answer above i explained that big bang never predicted uniform galaxies distribution and theory of inflation had to came to support it, otherwise whole concept could not have any logical sense.


    ...so as u can see ...your claim that "even numbers which confirmed big bang uniform matter distribution"... in my logic doesnt have as well.



    There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of experiments that confirm GR. The one you mention is probably the worst (it was pretty inconclusive).



    O really ? ...main claim of GR is that space deforms geometricly(not expands)... i am asking (again) just for few :



    (where exacly we see, observe those space curvatures in the universe, list of evidences plz)

    I know only one - 0,000000000001% of single radius degree in the light bend measured by Edington in 1924 ?


    Are u able to realize, that such an assumption of GR excludes space xpansion with mass relation ?


    ...but a model where mass-energy causes space expansion is confirmed in observational evidences :


    cosmos evolution from initial cloud, direction movement, acceleration of expansion, shape of the universe, stars evolution(birth separation/death giant state expansion), solar systems evolution, new thermodynamics including:states of aggregation, principles of refrigeration, superconductivity etc ... plz look on "OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCES CHAPTER 3 SECTION"


    ...so according to the pure logic ..which model "might be more valid"






    b) one where SPACE EXPANDS due to mass-energy concentration ?



    Your "logic" seems to fall short of reality. In other words:


    d) None of the above.



    Space if exists ... must be either infinite, finite or must occure (cause exists) effectively due to x-factor.


    This is called LOGIC WHICH (if properly used) EXCLUDES OTHER POSSIBILITIES (and solves issues by itself).


    "Non of above" is an empty phrase and no valid answer, just prove of presented logic misunderstaning.



    1. You are not asking anything. You are making a series of statements which are either false or incomprehensible.


    Where on that map u detect and observe expansion ? (question) as i only can see concentration there (statement)


    2. I am not a "science representative" (whatever that is).

    Someone who can logicly explain scientific point of view and presented observation or phenomenon.


    3. The nature of the CMB (the black body spectrum and the temeprature) were predicted by the big bang model long before it was observed.


    I got no idea what u r talking about. Cosmic Background Radiadion not only was not pedicted by bigbang, but also its observation excluded big bang "predictions" and whole model, as :

    a) uniform matter distribution (excluded bigbang which claimed singularity hotter area of explosion)

    b) "cumulation only detection process" excludes assumed by theory of bigbang continuous expansion-separation(not concentration)

    again: can u point on the map areas of hydrogen cloud expansion ?



    4. It is up to YOU to explain an alternative source for the CMB based on your "theory".


    I didnt mention with one word about "source of origin of hydrogen cloud" as this is non-scientific, not detectable and not experimental issue.




    5. A meaningless phrase like "hydrogen concentration only process" is not an explanation.


    Hydrogen concentrates and after that stage we got analogy into:

    a) Albert Einstein fabric stretching by heavier mass object

    b) Niels Bohr "electron jump on higher orbit" due to mass-energy absorbtion (again nucleus mass-energy increase)

    c) Antoine Lavoisier -caloric model

    d) Robert Boyle expanding atoms due to temperature increase



    6. You must explain (a) why it is a perfect black body and (b) why it has exactly the temperature it does.


    Hydrogen soup begins to concentrate in many places at same momentum (seeds of galaxies) and they begun efective space creation-stretching ...this is simple as that . i got no idea what are u asking for, can u plz explain your issue.



    There is probably no point going much further until you can do that.




    But ...



    That is not "nothing". It is enough time for even a slow computer like your PC to execute a thousand instructions. It is enough time for light to travel 300 metres.

    As u say, but existance of compter is possible only because ATOMIC-QUANTUM WORLD IS FASTER IN TIME= accelerated , than objects of large scale which we are.

    According to Einstein assumptions TIME RATE IS ALMOST IDENTICAL (exacly as in Newtonian model) ~1 sec rate (still not belive in it ...what about TIME DILATION table calculations?)

    Imagine yourself going to shop 5 bilion times in a matter of so called "your 1 second".



    But if you insist that time dilation must be several seconds for it to be apparent to you (because you are so slow) then obviously that is only going to happen in extreme conditions. It still exists and is measurable at all scales, so we have to take it into account in GPS, as just one trivial example.


    So called by you "extreme conditions" are of course always out of any experimental method and always out of observation.


    ...ok i know one ...light bend around Sun "measured" in 1924 ...bend about 0,00000000001 % of a single radius degree.

    is it all ? If not, than give me please other observational=scientific evidences on space deformation.


    Now my evidences on mass(concentration)->space(expansion) : (wanna compare ?)


    - cosmos evolution from initial cloud, direction movement, acceleration of expansion, shape of the universe, stars evolution(birth separation/death giant state expansion), solar systems evolution, new thermodynamics including:states of aggregation, principles of refrigeration, superconductivity etc ... plz look on "OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCES CHAPTER 3 SECTION"




    "we do not know whether the universe is infinite or not"



    As i said already space can have only 3 logical posibilities of existance. LOGIC - QUEEN OF SCIENCE


    a) infinite

    b) finite - if space is a closed box can u give dimmensions?

    c) space creates-occures effectively due to "X FACTOR" (in my model mass concentration)


    My logical common sense automaticly excludes 1st and 2nd option ...what about u ?


    ...or maybe u can add d) possibility ?

  4. 1st issue


    I'm afraid your essay is so badly formatted and badly written that I gave up trying to make any sense of it.


    Many of your sentences are almost completely incomprehensible. Just one (random) example:


    " CBR radiation points on Hydrogen "concentration only process" at every place of the CBR background map"


    I assuming that CBR means CMB[R].

    But what does "point on" mean?

    What is a "Hydrogen concentration only process"?


    If you are proposing an alternative explanation for the CMB, then you need to show in mathematical detail that your model produces a perfect black body spectrum at the observed temperature. You do not seem to have done that.



    2nd issue


    The sentences which can be understood are nearly all factually wrong. For example:


    "According to Einstein's assumptions and calculations, time "visibly" slows down only near non-empirical objects such as an "invisible black holes".


    Not true. Time "visibly" (i.e. detectably) slows down near any mass. We can measure the in a few metres difference in altitude on Earth.





    Physicists interpret it [space] as three dimensional-infinite size structure

    GR theory does not break with foundations of previous thinking about infinite cosmos arena.


    Not true. Space could be finite or infinite. We do not know (and possibly cannot know) which it is.





    When Albert Einstein in his famous experiment places the heavier object on elastic spacetime fabric he remarks "rubber material" stretching


    I do not believe Einstein came up with that analogy (although I don't know who did). It is certainly not an "experiment". And it is a truly terrible analogy on which to base any argument about a highly mathematical and well-test theory.




    Model can’t logically explain Edwin Hubble's and practically any of new observations as universe expansion with continuous acceleration



    Hubble's law was predicted by the theory a few years before Hubble published his "law".

    I meant hes observation from 1929 about expanding universe


    The acceleration is not continuous. It appears to have started about 5 billion years ago.

    That actually confirms my model, which says "acceleration begun when force of concentration -gravity created vortex in central nucleus of galaxies

    (analogy to bath fullfilled with water- when u pull drain plug after a while vortex will be created and mass cumulation rate=rate of space expansion will increase)


    And the acceleration can be very well explained by the theory; most simply by adding an extra energy term.

    Hmm u mean invisible and undetectable dark energy which creates itself from nothing to infinity, with repulsive gravity effect? (lol)




    The theory also can not reveal any aspect of either atom, thermodynamics, stars life evolution or solar systems formation mechanism.


    There is no reason why it should. Those things are outside the scope of the theory. That is like criticising the theory of evolution for not explaining the flow of water through pipes.


    Maybe u see no reason for GR to explain any of it, but for example this simple assumption about mass=energy concentration - space expansion explains not only aspects of thermodynamics behaviuors, but also huge part of cosmology - plz look at CHAPTER 3 "OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE"




    Huge gap occures in Einsteins logic. Thats lack of FORCE OPPOSED TO GRAVITY


    That is not a gap in logic. It is the simple fact that we have never observed such a force.


    So if u never observed such a force, u should realize that your model universe could not exist ...IF THE ONLY FORCE KNOWN TO SCIENCE IS PULL -EVERYTHING INSTEAD ANY SEPARATION SHOULD COLLAPSE SINCE STAGE OF UNIFORM HYDROGEN CLOUD




    "DARK MATTER" - a result of erroneous assumption about bigbang kinetic energy of expansion and "flying away" galaxies (into the void of infinite space arena).


    Dark matter has nothing to do with the big bang and the "flying away" of galaxies.

    O yes it does ...its a consequence of assumption that space is infinite and galaxies are flying with kinetic energy movement through it, but they not fly mass just creates space efectivelly. Problem of so called "missing mass" is a problem with "too much space issue" and thats an effect of real physics mass-space relation misunderstanding.


    And so on and so on...


    In summary, you give an excellent impression of someone who does not know anything about the subject.


    I wouldnt say so. Could u point on any false statements u noticed in my "model assumptions" or logic or maybe u see errors in observational evidences or maybe finally in new thermodynamics update? If yes plz ..i wigh to know them as well ; )




    .So u didnt understand this quote ... :


    " CBR radiation points on Hydrogen "concentration only process" at every place of the CBR background map"


    ...and ? the biggest problem with what CBR means ...


    CBR - Cosmic Background Radiation


    Particulary i am asking here about very simple issue :


    - where on that map u detect and observe expansion, as i only can see concentration there ("richer getting richer"-hotter-red areas consuming surroundings) .... CAN U PLZ ANSWER THAT QUESTION AS SCIENCE REPRESENTATIVE.





    According to Einstein's assumptions and calculations, time "visibly" slows down only near non-empirical objects such as an "invisible black holes".


    It is true. Differences are calculated in time dilation table (maybe we should paste it?) , where rate is almost identical .


    1.00000 x sec=not visible of delay even for mass of the Sun (minimal curvature according to GR)


    VISIBLE DELAY I MEAN AT LEAST FEW SECONDS OF DELAY, not 0.0000001 of the second <- this is "nothing"


    You should notice that practicly your model is still in Newtonian era with "ALMOST FLAT INFINITE SPACE" and "ALMOST SAME IDENTICAL 1SEC TIME RATE"




    Physicists interpret it [space] as three dimensional-infinite size structure

    GR theory does not break with foundations of previous thinking about infinite cosmos arena.


    Yes it is true. Space practicly till today is infinite Newtonian arena, just with ability of "sponge curvatures" added by Einstein.


    In that infinite space according to scientists big bang happened (or space expanded with bang-whatever) GALAXIES FLY AWAY FROM EACHOTHER WITH KINETIC FORCE MOMENTUM. (for example my model claims an effective space creation=stretching=expansion due to nucleus mass/gravity/energy/temp concentration, thats why each centre=galaxy "runaway" from every other on large scale)


    ...what i can add is 2 issues :


    space logicly can be only in 3 stages



    c)space occures effectively

    which one u think in scientific model exists today?


    .....today we also hear abot so called "metric space itself expansion" - but those are just attempts of "strange galaxies direction movement" = universe blows from inside -galaxies moving away each one from eachother, but that can not be logicly explained without assumption about "AN EFFECTIVE SPACE CREATION"


    GENERAL RELATIVITY EXCLUDED SPACE EXPANSION DUE TO MASS-ENERGY-GRAVITY CONCENTRATION, cause according to Einstein even mass of the Sun can only "DEFORM SPACE" ( i will not even mention that deformation will be around 0,000000000000001 percent of the single radius degree - lol )




    Yes Einstein came with analogy of material stretching and this is FOUNDATION OF HES THEORY.


    Basicly Einstein showed us MASS-SPACE RELATION ...which he unfortunatelly described as SPACE DEFORMATION.


    I am not gonna continue that Albert interpreted curvature as "causa of gravity" ....but i will just explain that FABRIC STRETCHING SHOULD BE INTERPRETED AS SPACE EXPASION - Niels Bohr also could connect hes electron jump on higher orbit as space expansion due to mass-energy absorbtion. (expanding atoms models occured in 16-17 century, dissmised by Cunt Romford and hes false assumptions that temperature is a kinetic movement)



    ...rest of the answers on top..

  5. Welcome on a journey into theoretical physics revealing that exacly the same
    "mysterious force" which in a heated kettle "magically transforms” liquid
    into gas substance ...is responsible for uprising the universe structures
    and expansion of material cosmos.




    At the beginning of the twentieth century Albert Einstein made a

    great breakthrough in “variable time and space nature" perception.

    Unfortunatelly an innovative vision called "General Relativity" does

    not break with Newtonian model foundations and in practice "new revolutionary theory" (GR)

    becomes only narrow extension of previous perspective.


    ** Mistakes in GR mass-space and mass-time description dependence **

    Newtonian model assumes that time expressed in a cyclic rate of one second

    (part of circadian rythm) passes for each object always in the same pace

    independently of its mass-size.

    (erroneous hypothetical assumption about identical, "perfectly quantized pattern"

    -time pace determinant assumed and "set manually" by an observer in previous model)

    Revolution introduced by Einstein, instead of finding "time" being fully relative

    (dependence on mass/gravity of the object) applies solution which assumes

    "time pace slowdown exclusively only from the level of a single/constant second".

    (manual setup in the Newtonian model)

    According to Einstein time dilation ("delay from original Newton's rate")

    occures due to "Newtonian constant geometric space structure deformation”,

    created by mass-gravity "curvature effect".

    (absence of mass = no curvature = one sec constant timerate

    = "natural, initial not deformed state")

    Recent study notifies 'time effects' of microscale like atom vibration amount

    (microprocesses speed) or accelerated insects<3 perspective (mass dependence).

    Although a model even nowadays perserves its classical understanding,

    where time passes at almost exactly same rate for each materialistic object size.

    (lack of gradual/fluent acceleration for descending weight of microscale particles)

    According to Einstein's assumptions and calculations,

    time "visibly" slows down only near non-empirical objects such as an "invisible black holes".

    ** Newtonian flat, 'undeformed' space model **

    Classic perspective of “space” is not fully characterized.

    Physicists interpret it as three dimensional-infinite size structure

    invariable and unchangeable “box”.

    Thats leading thought, “spirit of the age” about infinitely large/static

    "theater scene" with always existing eternal Newtons laws

    and "eternal spectacle stars premiere”.



    At the beginning of twentieth century Albert Einsten revolution in

    'physical reality model' understanding, annuciates relation between mass

    and its influence on space-time factors.

    "Mass effect on time speed passage" and "influence on space structure”

    (geometrical deformation/redeformation from/into initial assumed in Newtonian "infinite, not deformed-sponge state").

    He concludes that factors of time and space are not constant, static and consistent

    as physicists previously thought. New "elastic fabric of spacetime" pespective

    presents them as “fully flexible”, dependent on the mass impact.

    HOWEVER(!), Albert Einstein GR theory does not break with foundations of

    previous thinking about infinite cosmos arena.

    General Relativity becomes only exclusive extension,

    overlay on Newton model which only elicits new "additional" property :

    "geometric bending-deformation ability of eternally existing Newtonian spatial structure”

    When Albert Einstein in his famous experiment places the heavier object

    on elastic spacetime fabric he remarks "rubber material" stretching

    (an effective expansion, induced by a cumulated

    and compressed mass/energy/temperature state level).

    In spite of this and because of simplifications and “zeitgeist - age spirit

    pressure", Einstein introduces static/eternal universe

    and rejects a model of expanding space from own assumptions.

    In return, General Relativity theory offers deflection

    and "geometrical deformation" of permanent three dimmensional,

    eternal Newtonian space structure-assumed earlier

    and "observed" as "non-deformed, naturally straight,

    geometricly undisturbed three-dimmensional environment".

    A cavity of fabric material stretch, Einstein interpretes

    as "the causa/source of gravity".

    Described through "free bodies fall" because of "slanted deflection"

    and deformation dip in the “sponge” structure of Newtonian eternal space.

    However the arena of "deformed dent" which makes up decline and causes objects

    falldown (described as pull) in logic reality requires additional,

    outside gravity effect - so called "physical force" to push object down

    into lowest point of crater curvature dip direction.

    ("bend shape only" printed geometricaly “on a paper is not a valid explanation

    of "gravity mechanism" which requires "another gravity pulling-force concept")

    On the other hand Einstein draws "time" as a fourth, separate

    "mathematical dimension" (out of detectable reality "existance")

    which also gets an unspecified "material" structure. Its an "arrow of time",

    loaves of "bread events". Flowing river of "whole universe photographs".

    (ps. whatever that might be ...nobody knows)

    New concept in Einstein’s logic indicates the full relativism,

    "passage of time" dependent on a mass-size (slowdown for macroscale,

    but also rate abandoned ACCELERATION for quantum size objects).

    However, “the mathematical calculations" (not based on any direct emipirical

    observations or measurements) and implementation of Newton's foundation

    into new Einstein's vision sets almost identical time rate

    at the bottom level of "one second rate" (confirmation in "scientificly calculated dilation table").

    He also "points" at nearly complete absence of measurable differences

    in the timerate speed for almost whole bodies in the universe

    (instead of fluent rate and acceleration for descending scale facility,

    reversed rule of macroscale objects 'time slowdown').

    The assumptions of the ninetieth century scientists were an attempt of nature

    laws description. However drawn picture quickly finds several problems

    and contradictions.

    Model can’t logically explain Edwin Hubble's and practically any of new observations

    as universe expansion with continuous acceleration, uniform matter distribution or cosmos shape.

    The theory also can not reveal any aspect of either atom, thermodynamics,

    stars life evolution or solar systems formation mechanism.

    (instead, science calculates geometrical/mathematical non-empirical "curvature"

    of “two dimmensional surface”)

    Huge gap occures in Einsteins logic. Thats lack of FORCE OPPOSED TO GRAVITY

    preventing material systems from certain collapse. If only impact known to the

    science is "GRAVITY" - 'the strenght of attraction' than the cosmos rather to

    expand should sinking in constantly. Logically any solar planetary system

    could not be formed or exist in the longer periods.

    (everything must concentrate and collapse near to locally heaviest

    matter density area. Instead of scientific 'bigbang model' continuous explosion-

    scattering, CBR radiation points on Hydrogen "concentration only process"

    at every place of the CBR background map).

    Suddenly out of nowhere in calculations so-called "support" appears.

    It is a mysterious force opposing and ideally equal to gravity

    which "repulsive effect" aparts the matter away.

    In Einstein's theory this magic force ideally balances

    gravity and prevents objects mutual attraction, but General Relativity model

    can not explain the source of push-out and separation.

    ** Consequences of General Relativity assumptions, "Darkness spirit” of cosmology **

    Edwin Hubble telescope reveals an observation, which do not affirm

    Einstein assumption about static (non expandable, but geometricly "curvable")

    universe. But precisely such a wrong description of "model functioning"

    becomes a basic structure of the new "mathematical physics".

    It dominates along with the theory of bigbang explosion,

    but also that hypothesis does not match to the empirical evidences

    (universe matter distribution-same temperature,

    "strange" galaxies movement direction and expansion acceleration).

    General Relativity/bigbang logic does not provide any of those observations,

    which are contradicted to own model predictions.

    Empirical radiation detection points that CBR background

    map leads to matter accumulation, but not to expected "bigbang explosion"

    and separation of initial Hydrogen cloud.

    General Relativity model for decades sinks into the depths of

    mathematical chaos misunderstanding and "zeitgeist of the age"

    is gradually overtaken by the "darkness spirit".

    An eternal enemy of light, "dominant" called bythe worshipers

    "Vizard of visible cosmos", architect, creator and its designer.

    (non-empirical, invisible and not detectable main materialistic

    "being", a "ghost" fullfilling the whole universe).

    The world of science follows faithful worshipers of "the invisible black holes",

    places with no brightness, mathematical infinity abyss without any escape.

    Dark spirit of undetectable "energy particles" which

    creates itself from non-existance effuses his impure powers over

    the land of light. He is managing and striving for final annihilation

    in the "big rip destruction", among "infinite virtual void of nothingness".

    CHAPTER TWO - "update"

    * General Relativity logical interpretation, "mistakes and consequences" of Newtonian application *

    (GR "fabric of space" thesis. From ultra firm and rigid,

    onto superflexible and ultra stretchy "structure property" as consequence

    of "effective creation"/transmission.)

    * Hypothesis *

    "If mass affects the space-time, it must have impact on 'time' (rate A/S)

    and 'space' (C/E of distance)"

    * Relation and property description *

    Impact on 'Time': Acceleration (microscale mass) / Slowdown (macro-objects) (pace A/S)
    'Space': Contraction (for microscale) / Expansion (macroscale mass concentration) (gap C/E)

    a) Space isn't infinitely great and eternal Newtonian

    three-dimmensional structure with a twist ability in "geometrical

    deformation/redeformation to initials" process, as Albert Einstein assumes

    in General Relativity model. In fact 'space' is the result of effective stretching-

    creation-transformation due to nucleus mass/energy/temp cumulation process.

    (model pointed also in classical Robert Boyle "air particles expansion" and Lavoisier

    caloric theory, where ‘substance-heat' causes material structure scattering).

    Space property is a “distance” with logical ability of expansion

    and contraction. Flexible Einstein's fabric represents stretching

    of lenght A-B on elastic material due to the heavier object influence

    (mass / energy / temperature concentration).

    For quantum particles space is narrowed and phenomena

    of "quantum entanglement" causes the effect of

    functioning "outside stretched, expanded" space structure

    (shorter distance A-B, out of gravity/fabric existance mentioned in SR:

    - “lenght contraction near c speed “ for micromass objects only).

    The erroneous assumptions about nonexpandable, but "deformable" and static GR

    'space-universe' has never became rejected. In consequence of series fundamental

    model assumptions, General Relativity “transforms” into

    mathematical calculation of non-existing "virtual crater curvatures"

    (of "ultra firm" nonbendable, flat space structure = Lorentz, Minkovsky,

    Schwartzchild transformations- “usable” solutions only

    near non-empirical objects) rather than description of physical laws, shape,

    evolution or behaviour of the real universe bodies

    (nothing about atom or thermodynamics).

    According to Einstein's General Relativity "math calculations",

    "space is too stiff to expand". Even huge stellar mass can deform its ultra firm,

    three dimmensional structure only at not detectable micro level

    which "almost zero curvature theory predicts perfectly".

    Solution is provided by practicly unmeasurable light bend(trajectory) around the

    Sun. However, "Eddington's confirmation proves empirically” all the aspects

    and assumptions of GR model, which at same time bases on Newtonian infinite space arena.

    (infinite space excludes further stretching)

    An analogy with Einstein's experiment should reveal fabric dependence

    and expansion under the influence of focusing weight.

    As a consequence these are not "non-baryonic" creations of darkness spirit as

    “invisble dark energies” responsible for universe space expansion,

    but "only visible and present mass/energy factor” cumulated in the galaxy centre.

    Description of relativity misses as well "space contraction" for decreasing mass

    down to quantum sizes represented by a lower degree of stretched fabric.

    (photon presence "in two places at same momentum"

    from perspective of expanded space for frozen-slowed in time observer)

    (distance is shorter as particle is "out of space"=gravity field)

    (low state energy = "Einstein's bose condensate" = object stretched on

    wider space for bigscale observer)

    b) Also the 'mass-time' relation and factor property general relativity writes up


    Einstein's model assumes time as materialistic object called "forth dimmension".

    According to the theory creators, it's a bread with loafs=sequences

    of "whole universe events" (pictures), flowing one after the other.

    (in a line of the arrow)

    Time interpreted correctly is "a speed rate of ongoing processes"

    in relation to object size and own mass amount.

    Einstein notifies that body mass increase will slow local "time pace",

    but because of "Newtonian model implantation" (lack of full relativity)

    he misses fluent rate acceleration for smaller objects of miniscale physics

    (speed of processes and vibration amount for atomic mechanics).

    Instead he applies into own model "constant Newtonian one second",

    eternal universe rate which eventually "can only be slowed" by mass presence,

    but never accelerated above “second-rate level”.

    Einstein calculates delay amounts ("confirmed in time dilation table")

    as "nearly identical" for almost all objects in the universe.

    (even the Sun's mass can’t slow the timerate or deform the space "visibly")

    Theory of relativity with the intention to change the physical perception,

    practically leaves "relative thought of the era" in previous Newtonian model.

    (GR minimal and almost neglible useability, according to math-calculations

    purpose only near non-empirical "invisible blackhole objects")

    *** CHAPTER THREE ***


    Based on a new hypothesis where mass concentration instead geometrical deformation,

    causes space effective expansion. The replacement of ultra firm space structure assumption,

    onto extra elastic fabric flexibility.


    "Space expansion and cosmos evolution from initial hydrogen state,
    A mystery of dark energy"

    Extensible and elastic space fabric in Einstein analogy indicates on 'expansion'

    due to the 'mass-energy-temperature concentration'

    (represented by heavier object on elastic material).

    This phenomenon is observed in central nucleus area of every galaxy

    (also each star and every atom).

    Such a described relation not only explains "weird expansion direction movement”

    (everyone runs away from each other because every galaxy centre nucleus

    cumulates the mass), but also scattering acceleration as

    consequence of internal vortex creation.

    * Formation of galaxy-star systems from uniform initial "cloud structures" *

    [missing Albert Einstein's cosmological constant - "a logical must be"
    - force of separation]

    Matter begins to focus in many places at the same momentum.

    (hotter areas on CBR background map exclude the theory of

    continuous "bigbang" expansion due to the "concentration only” detected process).

    These are seeds of future galaxy clusters, which begin to

    "pump/stretch/create/transform" space effectively around themselves.

    - model explains:

    a) uniform temperature and matter dispersion

    (gradual primal cumulation/expansion in many places, according to a science
    result of "hyperinflation")

    b) expansion direction "everyone from each other"

    (according to official research it is an effect of "primal minibigbangs"

    series in many places of "whole universe" at the same time)

    c) acceleration- brought by a gradual central vortex formation

    causes faster matter concentration = quicker space baloon expansion

    = Einstein's fabric stretching

    (in accordance to officialy presented scientific model*GR/BBang*
    that is an influence of mysterious "invisible and undetectable dark energy,
    which constantly creates itself from nothing to infinity")

    * The shape of the cosmos, matter and galaxies distribution *

    "American astrophysicist A. Dressler detected an interesting

    dependence between density of galaxies in space and their morphological types.

    It turned out that in areas of "high density" dominant type are elliptical

    and lenticular at almost total absence of spiral galaxies.

    On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of spiral galaxies is located

    in regions of the universe with “low density matter distribution”.

    (more expanded space as a result a of central vortex-higher density nucleus

    mass/energy/temperature cumulation)

    * Stars formation and solar systems evolution *

    (based on the classical physics "mass-space relation")

    a) separation of newly born stars and "hydrogen rests" scattering in nebulas

    as an effective space creation, instead of gravitational collapse predicted by the "bigbang" model

    (according to scientists result of "shining photons wind blow"
    which “separates heavy stars and formes celestial pleiades”)


    b) "into a giant state expansion"

    When core mass-energy-temperature rapidly reaches
    highest` concentration level.

    (current model predicts star expansion as an effect of whole area structure
    warm-up and Hydrogen "vibration freefly movement increase")


    c) shape of the nebulas, "bubble stars" (Cats eye, Wolf-Rayet types)

    d) "solar system gas giants migration on higher orbits"

    Nicei model gas planet "jumps" as effective solar system space expansion

    due to a matter concentration.

    e) "local expansion of the solar system"

    Every year constant ~15 cm distance separation increase as an effect of gradual,

    slow core Hydrogen into Helium synthesis.

    f) "gravitational lensing"

    Halo on the galaxies edges - opposite to the center,

    points on bubble structure of cosmos space.


    *** CHAPTER FOUR ***



    Idea of expanding atom based on classiclal physics "mass-space" relation hypothesis,
    assumed and predicted independly by physicists Robert Boyle, Anthony Lavoisier, Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein. (“hidden puzzle solution”)

    “Microscale, basics of atom and principles of thermodynamics”

    Robert Boyle thermal model of "expanding and contracting air particles".

    Antoine Lavoisier "caloric-heat-mass-energy substance, causing body particle separation/contraction".

    Niels Bohr "electron jump on higher/lower orbit, due to mass-energy absorbtion/emition".

    Albert Einstein "space fabric stretching by heavy object,

    as effect of mass-energy increase".

    * Mechanism of transformation from heat/light into kinetic movement energy *

    (causa of mechanical motion)

    Expansion of the space under the influence of the mass absorbtion moves away

    and scatters electron shell further from nucleus.

    That in turn, makes physical tension and kinetic movement of also negatively

    charged electron barrier in the other atoms and whips up their motion.


    * States of aggregation *

    Temperature/energy level which specifies electron shell distances

    (space) from nucleus, relates to physical states and own volume size.

    a) solid - space contracted = concentrated structure = stronger bonds effect

    produces high consistency "form of matter" [low entropy level]

    b) liquid - space expansion with nucleus energy absorbtion

    scatters atomic structure, which transforms "from solid into the fluent state"
    (bonds are not stable anymore, volume increase)

    c) gas - higher energy level pushes out electron barriers on furthest distances

    and expands atom on largest scale (weakest bond consistency with highest volume)

    [highest entropy]

    * Principles of the refrigeration *

    Particles compression shortens substance electron shell-nucleus distance.

    That forces their lower energy level (mass/energy/temperature-space relation)

    causing nucleus mass/energy/heat/caloric emition.

    (absorbtion due to decompression, energy level= n-e distance rebalancing with

    local energy entropy constantly drop)

    As a consequence gas transform into a liquid form.

    (more consistent/contracted bond structure)

    Boiling point increases because to push out electron shell to previous (balanced)

    state space expansion and loose bonds extra force/energy is required.

    (additional energy/mass must be supplied,

    to "break" physical pressure / space of the other atoms shells).

    [scientific vibrational, non-expandable and "perpetual mobile atom model"

    based on Newtonian mechanics, can't explain internal atoms collisions

    and lacks of energy cancelation looses]

    * Superconductivity *

    Space contraction caused by lower energy state,

    decreases material structure entropy. As a consequence free electrons responsible

    for electromagnetic force become "overcumulated", "pushed outside the structure"

    (higher density level) and finally they're able to flow/jump/travel

    "easier"(conductivity) in the lower temperature.

    (energetic state of contracted space level between the atoms)

    * Basics of chemical processes *

    Methods of cations/anions forming, based on electrons positioning.


    "DARKNESS SPIRIT" - XX century zeitgeist, infinity symbol ~ "8",

    mathematical "dead end loop". Hypothetical creation, father of the paradox,

    era dominant and main building block in the universe.

    His "church followers" are apostels of undetectable dark energy-matters, blackholes,

    invisible curvatures and whole "beings zoo-particles collection"

    (mini/bigbangs, infinities, strings, m-theories, paralel dimmensions/universes,

    "ultimate particles with no mass, which gives mass to everything from nothing"

    -Higgs bosons).

    As a determinant he shapes the fate of "black infinite void" in the

    universe. Attempts of his devaluation leads to decapitation of renegade's carrier

    and lifetime scientific community ban.

    "BLACK HOLE" - hypothetical/mathematical being of

    infinite matter cumulation assumption, an effect of mass

    cumulation-space expansion relation misunderstanding.

    "DARK ENERGY" - invisible and undetectable dark power,

    which rules the universe striving for its disaster.

    It forms itself out of nowhere and pushes galaxies into infinite void depths

    (final big rip) preaching about inevitable fate of the universe destruction.

    In fact, acceleration of expansion is caused by central vortex formation which

    increases galaxy nucleus concentration/temperature pace.

    (in Einstein's cosmological "elastic fabric analogy", quicker material stretching)

    "DARK MATTER" - a result of erroneous assumption about bigbang kinetic energy of

    expansion and "flying away" galaxies (into the void of infinite space arena).

    Misunderstanding of cosmos evolution, based on effective space creation.

    "THEORY OF INFLATION" - "support and spike" of GR/BB "standard model"

    In logical reality requires "triple phase of inflation":

    a) (according to science) from nothing to hot blob
    after must happen again, bilion times faster than light speed

    b) from blob to uniformly distributed hydrogen cloud
    and again

    c) from cloud of Hydrogen, into evenly spreaded galaxies

    Every other "scenario" should reveal hotter/constricted area of

    primal a/b/c "concentration points" expansion,

    which excludes observation of initial Hydrogen presence, further

    than any galaxy "flying in to void space"(in accordance to inflation/GR/BB theory)

    Phases a/b/c can not exist in whole Newtonian infinite/arena space,

    which points on lack of expansion)

    "TIME" - gravitational field intensity,

    rate which determines speed of ongoing processes

    (pace acceleration for micro, slowdown for bigscale objects)

    "SPACE" - gravitational field "baloon" range/distance,

    a result of matter/energy/temperature concentration


    as the effect of contracted space and accelerated time rate = humongous speed

    from a big scale mass observer prespective

    "PHYSICS" - energy-matter-space-time transformations description
    (how and why empirical initial state A, changed onto observable, current state B)



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