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Posts posted by deema

  1. There is literally nothing in the universe but the string. Logic and illogic rule the two realities. "Two" sides to the same string. I hate using numbers to explain this. They are not real. But neither are letters so i dunno how it could possibly conveyed otherwise

  2. 6 hours ago, swansont said:

    It’s historical - there is an existing field of (classical) mechanics, which deals with the motion of objects - e.g. translation, rotation, oscillation, circular motion

    no dude. You dont understand anything but certain aspects. i dont care. You see things in one way. It is false. You think things are one way. So funny to me

  3. 9 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

    Enjoy your discussion.

    there is no discussion. I dont give one F if the world sees anything. I just wanted to get it out of me. Im right, you are wrong, period end of story.

    1 hour ago, exchemist said:

    Ah autism. That accounts for it. Possibly.

    clever in the physical but unclever in the quantum. See how that works? No? That is a shame and must suck for you

    53 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

    Enjoy your discussion.

    Big bang.is "A". Everything next is "B". See? Logic is the key

  4. 14 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

    Really? I'm not a master, but I know you've already contradicted first-order logic with this statement. How can you be a master of mathematical logic when you don't know the maths? And you don't talk as if you know philosophical logic, so what exactly are you a master of?

    You could very well be an evolutionary miracle sent to help us develop better ways of dealing with life on this planet, but you won't be helping if you don't learn what we already consider to be our best explanations for various phenomena. You can't think outside the box without knowing the tools inside the box, even with your capabilities. And wrong is what you are, until you can explain away the obvious contradictions. Being wrong is NEVER funny, but it is human. MOST ideas are wrong.


    why would you think there actually is anything other than logic? We had a big bang right?  It is only from there that things started. A leads to B and then stretches out from there in a more complicated web of logic

  5. Logic combined with ten fingers is how you got math.

     Physics guys would say physics are physics and it doesnt matter about numbers.

    Bros, all physics are is logic.

    Logic is the single most basic principle in the physical. Why is hydrogen ! and helium 2? Hmm. Logic.... etc etc over the entire physical

    In the quantum it is all about illogic. Why does entanglement work? Hmm.  Cause there are no rules in the quantum. We in the physical would call it illogic.

    But they are the exact same thing. The actual literal most basic aspect of the two realms.

    There is the string in both but then in each reality the next step up is logic or illogic

    I would be super happy to debate this.


  6. And im not really sure why you call it 'mechanics'. Folks are trying to create something that isn't actually there. There are no mechanics in quantum. That is the whole point of quantum. No matter how hard you try it will NEVER happen  It aint your fault. The string will not allow us to figure it out

    And no i have not watched the marvel ant movie. i feel all they are gonna do is f up what quantum actually is


    I know everyone will just say im crazy. Story of my life dont care. My entire life is th e quantum. i somehow exist in both at the same time

  7. i will preface all of this with "i believe it is so" not as actual fact. But there actually are no 'facts' other than what we made them in the physical

    There is actually only one string. It is the only thing in the quantum and physical realms that there is only 'one' of. Maybe some people would call it "God". But i dont believe it has any sentience. Or maybe it does i don't know

    Entanglement works because the string is, itselef infinite and everywhere at all times. There is no 'distance' for the string.

    Schrödinger's cat works because the string itself is everything at all times. It is itself the actual universe. WE are the string. There is nothing but the string.  EVERYTHING is exactly the same thing. The string. There is no 'us'

    dark energy  i feel is just the weak nuclear force, gravity, and light combined and spit out on the other side of the furnaces called 'black holes'

    Dark matter is the strong nuclear force, matter, gravity, and electromagnetism spit out on the other side.

    Einstein was right that it is really all about gravity

    i feel like the only reason we, or any lifeform exsists is to evolve to figure out 'the string'

     it is the illogic in the quantum that actually rules things in what people would call the logic in the physical.. But Logic and illogic are the same thing.The quantum and the physical are not different universes. They are the exact same thing

    for some reason im able to see how the quantum and physical realms combine. Im not a 'master' of either. Which is actually the most frustrating thing. But maybe that is the whole point of evolution. It isnt up to me to figure out the rest

    i got covid a short time ago and it changed my brain. I see things now. I kinda feel like my body is shutting down so that is why im typing this so quickly and there might be errors but i dont want to fall asleep until this gets out n case i dont wake up

  8. I am a very different person than you must be accustomed to dealing with......

    See, I dont EVER open my mouth unless I know EXACTLY wtf i am talking about.. My theory is based on logic..

    LEMME TELL YA ABOUT LOGIC... about my MASTERY OF LOGIC.... And NONE of this is bragging.. as i said, pride does not EXIST within me.. period.. I am relaying this so you understand that when i speak about my theory, it is because I BELIEVE with ZERO doubt, that it has a MORE LIKELY THAN NOT chance of beiing correct.. as in 50.00001/49.99999 chance of being right... cause LOGIC DICTATES IT DOES....

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch.. logic.. i am both a network engieer mcse (ms cert. sytems engineer) (a dope one.. superstar one.... and, a software engineer, the developer of the number one rated desktop interface software,on the largest strictly freeware site on the net, freewarefiles dot com, for four years straight.. one more thing... i am also the creator of @SLAP, the most advanced dance videos on the planet...... thirty two thouand slap facebook fans...... i am the aboslute master on earth, of the desktop interface.. period.. end of story.. i am the absolute master, on earth, of dance video design... i am an aspie.. .it is not cause i am more intelligent than others... my iq is lower middle class for genius... it is my skewed view of reality, that all aspies have, that allows us to sometimes see new paths and doorways .... the ONLY reason i am the powerhouse that i am in these fields is due to logic.. period.. period... my logic is NEVER flawed....

    art is simply a way to convey concepts in a way that can reach others... as is science.. these two encompass every aspect of human expansion.. observatoin combined with understanding and creativity bring about insight.. insight is what makes advancements happen..

    WHEN I TALK, it is to enlighten.. would be INCREDIBLY ironic for a science website to attempt to silence REASON........

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    FORGET these links, to things.. My theory is far more important than my past deeds.. They are designed to show you I am not some fool mouthing off about nonsense... admin, just DELETE my links after you yourself verify i am legit.. just vouge my claims after seeing with your own eyes so no spam occurs....

  9. And I clearly, and obviously only have a fifty fifty chance of being right... I do believe I am right, however, and only made the second post in order to get eyes on my theory.



    I meant no disrespect to anyone, including the website. As that being the case, I respectfully request that my second post be allowed, regardless of the nature of it. My theory is important enough to allow such a second post to exist...



    As my theory is the only logical theory, as to all three, dark matter, dark energy, and black holes, in existence, I think it warrants such an allowance..


    No pride in my theory.. I have aspergers syndrome. (as did Galileo, as did Einstein, as did Isaac Newton, as did Tesla etc) I have no pride in anything. Just the quest for the answer is all that matters...


    here is me.. i am as mad scientist as mad scientist has ever existed.. The quest is my life... advertising removed

  10. I believe that, both, dark matter and dark energy are "created" within

    black holes... I will speak, specifically, about supermassive black

    holes at the centers of galaxies....

    Perhaps, when matter enters the black hole, "torsion" occurs at

    such a high rate, that on the "other side" (south pole) of a black

    hole, dark matter is spit out in a sort of reverse accretion disk. As

    the size of a supermassive black hole, at centers of galaxies, are

    relative to the size of the galaxy, it could explain why dark matter is

    appears to be hovering on the outscirts of galaxies, not in empty space

    .....Perhaps the fourforces are combined with matter and light in a

    way that makes it so that "the speed of light" now rolls with "anti-matter"

    in a way that the reverse accretion disk is able to be spit out at such

    speeds to encompass the entire galaxy..Perhaps "light" is combined with

    another element to allow matter to then travel at speeds near, at,

    or above the speed of light, in order to reach the outskirts.....

    Perhaps matter and light are combined, within the black hole,

    along with the four forces, to create a new type of "output" and

    the "dark" aspect is due to the black hole removing light and

    any ability to measure the output using light based technology.....

    Perhaps when light enters a black hole, on the "other side", it is spit

    out like a "reverse" gamma ray burst..... Perhaps the four forces are

    combined in a way to allow "dark light" to affect matter, moving it as

    gravity would, in the opposite way.

    I believe that the best way to test this theory would to be somehow

    measure "standard" black holes, the ones roaming around the

    galaxy, to see if the gravitational pull is greater than what would be

    assumed "just" from the black hole, itself... (as the pull can be

    measured around an entire galaxy, thus giving us the theory of dark

    matter, perhaps it can be done on a much smaller scale, somehow)

    It seems, to me, period, that light, matter, and the four forces are somehow

    "combined", within the black hole, to alllow them to work together in

    new ways.....

    By "default", in my opinion, this also explains the purpose of black

    holes... They are, essentially, factories of existence, ensuring that

    the universe continues to grow but assuring that galaxies "stay

    within themselves"......

    As in, "they" are "saying", "okay, "we" are going to make sure that

    galaxies remain intact, so that species can spread and mingle, all

    the while, gaining understanding of the universe as well as

    technological advancements,(dark matter) but "we" are going to make sure that it

    is more difficult for any species to reach another,

    or all, other galaxies, in order to ensure no species is able to

    "conquer" the universe, (dark energy) thus keeping the "great quest" alive...

    Mother Nature's beautiful balancing act....

    Perhaps the four forces are combined, somehow, with light, to super

    enhance the ability of electromagnatism to overide the power of

    standard gravity, resulting in dark energy capable of expanding

    faster than the speed of light.....

    All of this, of course, keeps intact the theory that information is

    never destroyed, and is one of the biggest factors in my belief that

    my theory is correct.....

    I am not a math guy... My intelligence is logic based... Some of my terms may be off ;)

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