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  1. is so hard to find a girlfriend -__-''

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Newbies_Kid


      You're definitely the experienced one Bee. Lol. I cannot loose my self even for a bit when go out with girl.. always want to act cool and protective, I'd tried many times to let my ego go.. just want to be normal..but it never happen, instead the hotter the girl is, the cooler i am. Is this because of my genetics? or what?

    3. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      If it's a first date i'd guess being cool and protective is the worst thing you can do. I guess you mean protective over her, which migth actually come accross as a bit creepy and weird to a modern girl these days - as for the cool part, that's not quite as bad but it certainly stops them seeing the genuine side of you which, if you're looking to stay with her in the long run is the part you really do need them to see.


      Pardon the bitterness of the last post, i know ...

    4. Newbies_Kid


      Your last post is really happen to me actually haha.. but my cool is no ordinary cool.. it makes everything goes too formal and trigger my over protective acts,"you want to buy a drink? no worry i will get that".. "your legs hurts? hurry, we must go to the hospital!".. "out for a movie? ok you just pick which movie you want".. "need to go to the restroom? want me to accompany you??" - this really happen but seriously its was out of my brain control.. sigh~~

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