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The Think3r

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Posts posted by The Think3r

  1. Not at the moment. Maybe in a couple hundred years if not a thousand or so. But remember this is all in theory. If there were evidence of this then we would have been,at the very least, notified that scientist were researching this. And beside this is what i believe could or could not be possible. Believe what you will but this is what I conceive as possible in regards to time travel.

  2. I think you are confusing acceleration and velocity.


    Rapid acceleration produces pressure (as when you put your foot down in the car or take off in a rocket). This is equivalent to the "g force" of gravity.


    However, if you accelerate at 1g, say, then you can get up to very high speed. If you accelerated at this (comfortable) rate for 2 years you would be going at 97% of the speed of light.


    Maybe I am but I am still curious as to how much energy/force/gravity it would take to travel at the exact(or as close as possible to) as the speed of light in the shortest amount of time possible.


    "The right dimension"? A dimension isn't a place you can "get back to".


    There are hundreds of(if not thousands) planes of existence, so you can't really get back to you plane or what you perceive as your place of origin. Say you travel "backwards" in time and change something you would not be able to travel back to your "present" because it would not exist. But with dimensional travel/time travel you can get back to a reality exactly like or as close as possible to your original time/dimension.


    "Almost certainly many times larger"?


    There is no such certainty. The entire universe could be exactly as large as the observable universe, by coincidence. It could be 50% larger than the observable universe. But it is almost certainly larger, and we don't have ANY clue how much larger.


    Explain HOW the universe can be infinite in size before saying "it could by infinite".


    A finite universe can NEVER grow to an infinite size. For the universe to be infinite in size (and/or infinite in mass) it would have to ALREADY have been infinite in size at the first moment of the big bang. That is hard to imagine.


    If the entire universe ever had a finite size, it could never grow to an infinite size at any finite rate. Even cosmic inflation was a finite rate of expansion. The difference between finite and infinite is so great that the difference is infinite.

    I said "what MOST would call infinite". There is no such thing as infinity. There is, however,such a distance that it would be impossible to travel completely before you and/or what ever you are using to travel is eroded away by the celestial elements, such as planets, moons, stars, comets, meteors, etc. etc.


    An infinite amount. It is not possible to travel at the speed of light.


    And why would there be any damaging pressure? It is not really any different from travelling at a few hundred miles per hour, which people do routinely. And, as all speed is relative, you are already travelling at over 90% of the speed of light with respect to something, somewhere!


    I mean out side of Earth's electromagnetic field. Even at a few hundred miles an hour you still have a significant amount of pressure on your(or another's) person. 1G is the regular amount of pressure on a person on planet Earth but say 100 MPH in space would produce a lot less pressure on a body than on Earth. But the faster you go the more pressure you carry. Space travel generates remarkably little G-force, but at or near light speed it can be similar to being dragged through a hole the size of an apple and that's without the affects of other celestial bodies. It wouldn't cause pain, but neither would going through a black hole. A black hole wouldn't cause pain because depending on how you enter its field it would not allow your nerves to send the feeling of pain to your brain.

  6. Current estimations of this universe size make it out to be 46 Billion light-years across. So the universe, i.e. space, is extremely large and still "growing". In ten million years the universe would be bigger by about 5.25600 × 1012 megaParsecs. so very, very large. The universe has already been around for about 14 billion years give or take about 2-3 billion years. So it could theoretical grow into what most would call infinity, meaning you ( and almost every thing else) would die before you could travel from one side to the other.

  7. If Artificial Intelligence were in existence at this exact moment there are several possibilities of what will happen.

    1. Classic Terminator problem

    2. Bio-Mechanical equality

    3. Advance Rate of development

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