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Posts posted by Kevin121569

  1. How do you perceive a number differently?



    So I was watching this video in an attempt to learn more about quantum mechanics.


    One thing that I have noticed in this one and in other videos is that they bring up the fact that during experiments the introduction and removal of observers affected the behavior of the electrons in the double slit experiment.


    What I have been pondering is that if we accept that we are not fully capable of properly perceiving the behavior of electrons due to our brains being wired to perceive reality on the scale that we currently live in, could it be possible that are brains are subconsciously interpreting data differently with the knowledge that we have introduced and removed an observer?


    What I am trying to get at here is that is it possible that the behavior of electrons does not change with the introduction and removal of an observer, but out perception of how the electrons behave did?

    I'm not a Scientist, Engineer, or Physicist. I am very intrigued by this subject however. I always wondered what could be if space ends. I have come to a conclusion which may relate to this topic. Again I didn't arrive at this hypothesis by mathematical computation. So here is my hypothesis. If our universe ends that means whatever is outside the universe is void of all matter and energy. It's a dark, silent, formless infinity. However if we were to travel there and enter that space we would, in theory, expand our universe as we are made of matter and, therefore, the laws of physics would suddenly apply to that space that was previously devoid of any physical law. In the act of observing, we are involved in that space which alters that environment in much the same way we would alter space outside our universe by entering it.


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