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Posts posted by Borg

  1. !

    Moderator Note

    Interesting, but ultimately I think we don't care. This section is for discussing physics, not people, patents, what happened to threads at another site, nor failed business ventures. Thus far, outside of some questions that have been asked, precious little discussion has been about physics. If the OP doesn't do a course correction, this will be closed.

    No worries. I find that those who post stuff like this will post the same thing on multiple sites until something sticks. Nice to see this isn't one of those sites. :)

  2. Mr. Eth posted this same post yesterday in PhysicsForums.com. His thread was deleted because it violated the rules with respect to posts about "Free Energy" type schemes. However, this Boston Globe article from last year is interesting with respect to Mr. Nagel's activities.


    Molten metal revisited


    Oops, I didn't see imatfaal's post about the same thing.

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