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Posts posted by jamieoverton727

  1. Macroevolution refers to major evolutionary changes over time, the origin of new types of organisms from previously existing, but different, ancestral types. Examples of this would be fish descending from an invertebrate animal, or whales descending from a land mammal. The evolutionary concept demands these bizarre changes.

  2. All the more truly, I think your issue is likely psychosomatic. This is not implied as an affront. I have a psychosomatic reaction to eating certain fish. I know where it originated from - a terrible episode of sustenance harming numerous years prior. My body discovered that certain fish tastes are bad, and it "spares" me from making so as to hare me queasy every time I eat solid enhanced fish. I know this is simply in the brain, yet that does not decrease the issue. I think you have a comparable issue with water. It can't be physical, since you take in water in any beverage, paying little respect to the flavor.

  3. Cutting edge medications are beginning to develop for metastatic disease. It is presently 20 years since metastatic disease was initially cured in lab models, so the specialized learning has as of now been procured. In any case, it may take sooner or later to make an interpretation of this into people. Moving a medication through the clinical trial procedure can take an augmented span of time.

  4. Normally pee has a pH scope of around 4.4-8. Low pH can have a considerable measure of different sources, and if for a brief while not uncommon. Be that as it may, beside estimation mistakes drinking an excess of liquor, or water misfortune (not sufficiently drinking, loose bowels, sweating or different types of lack of hydration), starvation and an umber of therapeutic conditions can bring about low pee pH.

  5. Counting calories and excercise are insufficient, as prove by the BMI of western countries. Novel methodologies are needed, keeping in mind the end goal to beat these issues. Moreover, the body's protection instruments make these two measures fairly inadequate over the long haul. Corpulence is still around, and customary treatment has fizzled. New methodologies are required, that can't be denied.

  6. When you hear the word 'respire,' you probably think of breathing. When you breathe, you are taking in oxygen with each inhale and releasing carbon dioxide with each exhale. This gas exchange is important for respiration, but while breathing is a physical process, respiration can be thought of as more of a chemical process. All organisms, from a single bacterial cell to a coral reef colony to a blue whale, undergo respiration.

  7. 1.memorie trigger emotional pain but not physical pain.

    2.we use physical pain as distraction from emotional pain but not vice versa.

    3.physical pain garners far more empathy from others than emotional pain.

    4.Emotional pain echoes in ways physical pain does not.

    5.Emotional pain but not phhysical pain can damage our self-esteem and long term mental health.

  8. Sound waves travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum. The eardrum passes the vibrations through the middle ear bones or ossicles into the inner ear. The inner ear is shaped like a snail and is also called the cochlea. Inside the cochlea, there are thousands of tiny hair cells. Hair cells change the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to the brain through the hearing nerve. The brain tells you that you are hearing a sound and what that sound is.

  9. Hackers are people that feel the need to invade other people's personal space. There are different hackers: good ones that find new ways to make Computers safer, ones that tweak computers to do stuff that they shouldnt be doing, but they arent doing any harm or anything illegal, and the ones that try to steal information via virus, remote attack, etc. Hackers use different methods of hacking. There are hundreds of them. The most popular is the Denial of Service (DoS) and remote assistance. Dos is when the hacker tries to temporarily overload your computer, so they can bypass security. Remote assistance is where the Windows OS allows other computers to take control of other computers. this can be useful for a company network, or somebody helping with a problem, but is huge vulnerability. Hope this helps.

  10. Quarks are particles that are not only hard to see, but pretty much impossible to measure. These teensy-tiny particles are the basis of subatomic particles called hadrons. With every discovery in this field of particle physics in the past 50 years, however, more questions arise about how quarks influence the universe's growth and ultimate fate.

  11. Banna virus (BAV) is a 12-segment, double-stranded RNA virus that is classified in the family Reoviridaeand the genus Seadornavirus. BAV was first isolated from encephalitis patients in southern China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, in 1987.

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