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Posts posted by lasix

  1. As I explained its still not free energy. Your drawing from other transmission frequencies.


    In point of detail yes you can do so but doing so is illegal. There are regulations against this. This is a form of stealing power from transmitted signals


    I saw a mythbusters episode on that. They put the coils inches from high voltage transmission lines and had nearly zero energy transmission and was "busted".


    I understand what you are saying that the coils are grabbing the signals, but that seems like a very high voltage compared with my attempts with bare wire at my house. Is that something you can replicate?


    In my own attempt with bare wire coils I see 0.001 to 0.003 no where near 0.25.

  2. You ask about free energy. and display a voltmeter reading 2.5 x 10-1 volts on a digital multimeter.


    Voltage is not energy.


    But the input resistance of a typical DVM is 107 Ohms


    and power is V2 divided by R ie (2.5 x10-1)2 x 10-7 watts or just over 6 nanowatts.


    So you are measuring about just over 6 nano joules in one second.

    6 nano joules is > 0. That means this is actually a positive energy system?

  3. At what current? You can have 0.25 volts at any current level

    I'm not claiming to be a scientist, understand physics, or electricity on a deep level. I'm not uneducated, but I am not a scientist. I'm trying to figure out what I'm seeing happen. That's why I came here.


    Are you able to replicate 0.25V at any current level using stationary magnets and a bare wire coil?

  4. but 0.25V?


    That's basically and induction coil but without any diodes. I can't get anything near that on my truck antenna. Outside my house, I can get 0.001v on a 100 foot section of coiled 12G copper wire I live a few hundred feet from high voltage lines and a cell tower.


    Are you able to replicate 0.25V?

  5. I know that which is why I don't understand what I'm seeing. There is no movement, yet the voltage is all over the place. I understand this is a small example with nominal voltage, but on a larger scale or in series... Ultimately, what is it that I am seeing?


    I know another suggested it's basically an antenna, but I don't get that type of reading off my truck antenna.






    Some (fixed amount of) energy goes into creating a magnet.

    If you remove it (use it up) then you no longer have a magnet.


    If you use the magnetic force to do work to gain energy then the energy comes from the devive you use to move the magnet, not from the magnet itself.


    There is no such thing as a free lunch in the known universe.

    I understand that. So where is the voltage coming from when nothing is moving?

  6. Is it possible to get free energy with magnets? I'm asking because I came across this video and I can't figure out how it was done if it's not real. The video is a little long but it is making voltage.


    Any thoughts?


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