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Posts posted by kristvic


    Been there done that. At your age I had many of the same symptoms and it just got worse as I got older. I bet the harder you try the worse your symptoms get... right? You have problems with your prefrontal cortex (ADD/ADHD - although I don't really like these kind of terms). This explains the social anxiety, memory problems, and your speech problems. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is instrumental in all of these processes.


    In my experience there are a few things you can do. First, you can try stimulant meds like adderall, or secondly, you can seek out neurofeedback help (expensive). Another thing you can try, which is affordable, is A/V stimulation - mindalive.ca is a good place to start.


    To help better understand your problem I'll just tell you that your PFC is underpowered and you probably feel overwhelmed by your life because of this. Hence, the reason you seem to be getting worse - stress increases when we get older and try to take on more responsibility and since your brain is not processing the incoming stimuli properly it essentially shuts down (memory problems, anxiety, speech, writing difficulties/organizing thoughts, brain fog, drowsness). This is a clear case of a learning disorder. Many learning disorders have depression and anxiety and are therefore misdiagnosed as being just depression/anxiety. But I'd stay away from meds like SSRI's since they increase serotonin. Serotonin will just slow down your PFC even more and likely make things worse. Read Dr. Amen's book, "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life" (Amazon - Daniel Amen). There is a good section in this book on the PFC and it's function and how it affects processes in the brain. You appear to have all the classic symptoms.


    I'll check back to see your reply. If you can't afford the A/V stimulation I have a unit I can sell you cheap and give you advice on how to use it. This must be treated or you'll just get worse and it will ruin your life. The good news is that it is a fairly simple "fix" once you know what the problem is and how to best treat it.



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