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Posts posted by iwbl18

  1. It is a weird thought. Reincarnation and multiple universes opens up endless possibilities, but if we've been here many times before we don't remember do we? So we will never know for sure till we have proof of it.

    Well, we don't remember because our memories, feelings in our brain but our consciousness is not in our brain, it is not something material so when It starts with a new brain, It is like everything is cleared. So you don't remember anything. It is like our consciousness is "power" and our brain is a computer they just works together so once a consciousness goes a new brain you will not remember anything. =)

  2. Hi I want to talk about my theory, my theory is actually we will experience everything, we will be different persons we will taste everythink we will be killer and also a victim, we will experience all of bad and good things. think about big bang we were not exist, but something happend and now we are alive, we have consciousness lets think about end of the universe everything will be destroyed not matter how,there are a lot of theories but eventually same result, and now think after trillion years or more in someday another big bang and new universe and another end, after trillion of ends and starts eventually we will have consciousness again maybe as a animal or human and it will continue like that so as a result after trillion times of universe we will taste everything? It is complicated and hard to explain I hope that you got it, It is like number "Pi". So what dou you think about it? Thanks.

  3. 8

    As far as I am concerned, your answer has to do with the geometry of our universe. It all depends on the critical density of our universe. If observations find out that our universe overall mass-energy density exceeds the critical density, then our universe will stop expanding and contracts, which will come to Big Crunch. If the universe`s overall mass-energy density is exactly 10-23 g/m3 ,then our universe`s expansion will slow down. If the mass-energy density is lower than the critical density, then our universe will expand at the same rate forever.


    The mass-energy density determines the curvature of space-time, which in turns, dictates the fate of our universe. There are 3 configurations, namely open, flat and closed, which are named in accordance with the three conditions I mentioned above respectively. In an open configuration, the overall curvature is negative and 2 beams of light will diverge-the distance between increasing over time. While in a flat universe, 2 beams will remain parallel forever. In a closed configuration, a single beam of light will eventually curve around the entire universe and return, hitting you on the back of the head.


    Now, the question is, what is the overall curvature of our universe? Well, a number of observations by looking for clues in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation has shown that our observable universe is flat. Currently, astronomers have found out that our universe is not only expanding, but the expansion is accelerating as well. To explain the mysterious force that accelerates the expansion, astrophysicists turn to their friends-particle physicists to search for undiscovered particles in particle accelerators, like the LHC in CERN, Europe, which is restarted recently. So, I personally think that you needn`t have worried so much.


    Based on the rate of current scientific development, I believe we will have enough time before the worst. I have something to share, though, that is, escape to another universe through white holes during the last moments before The Worst. Such idea was explored by Michio Kaku, a theroetical physicist in his book Hyperspace. Maybe you have left out the "multiverse" concept. You can seek shelter in another universe, can`t you?


    Let`s hold hands and keep our fingers cross. :)

    Thanks, so my theory is possible right?
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