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Dear scienceforums
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Whether or not the universe is homogenous and isotropic or not has no bearing on itself for a multiverse. Neither does finite vs infinite universe.
A multiverse is possible under all the above.
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A recent article published by Physical Review Letters may relate to your discussion here as it appears to confirm the isotropic nature of our universe. I posted a link to the abstract under Science News forum of this science discussion site.
hmm, how is that relatable to this discussion ?
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It means the universe looks the same, on some level of resolution, in all directions
yeah well I get that but what does it mean beside that? Could it be indication to something on larger scale, like indication of multiverse or something?
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Is the discovery of isotropic universe a sign that the multiverse could be real?
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Here is a link to an abstract of article published by Physical Review Letters on this very subject. Apologies, I do not have a link to the full article outside of University access. According to the abstract, "Including all degrees of freedom simultaneously for the first time, anisotropic expansion of the Universe is strongly disfavored, with odds of 121 000:1 against." Enjoy!
What does this exactly mean? That our universe is finite?
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Under this premise, would not we all reading this thread be subject to the same thing, and repetitively and randomly experiencing each others Hells, give or take a few (zillion?) atoms.
Silly thought, but I couldn't help it the other infinite times either.
I have no idea what you mean. How could you experience my suffering?
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You have no proof that the universe is infinite. Even if it were, you have no proof that there are an infinite number of "you". (And even if there were, they would not be "you".)
But, luckily, the forum has an ignore function for just this level of idiocy.
I respect your point but why did I always read that we will live again for eternity IF the universe is infinite? Bear in mind that I'm not here to prove multiverse or anything, I just want to know IF the infinity exists, if we will live forever.
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Of course you are.
we living is a proof that we can exist. Is that wrong? Now, why would we cease to exist? Not enough space and time to form us again exactly in the same way?
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No. I am saying that, like other religious people, you are worrying about something that doesn't exist. You might be better off worrying about things in the real world that you might be bale to do something about.
we both exist now dont we? Thats proof that we can exist. Im not talking about something that cant be proven like religion..
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None of them are you. Quite possibly none of them exist. But if you want to torment yourself by worrying about things that don't exist then the Catholic Church will be proud of you.
are you saying I dont exist?
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But there are infinite copies of you doomed to eternal paradise.
but they are not ''me'' . Its like if you had a twin in this life and he was identical to you, but he had an accident where he lost his legs. I'm talking about me here. Yes there are infinite number of identical ''me''s and some of them will be happy forever, but in this world Im unhappy and living in hell, so if its gonna repeat, Im stuck in infinite hell loop..
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Oh dear. Is that what this is all about? Teenage angst?
Sorry to disappoint you but if you buy into this religion - sorry I mean, if you fall for this guff - er no, if you accept the "logic" of this argument then I'm afraid you will have to accept that there are an infinite number of universes where your life is better. Including an infinite number where your life is perfect. Sorry about that.
just stating the unfortunate fact that I could be doomed for eternal hell.
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Right it's a comedy. You don't really need to worry about next life. If you want to live longer then try to pursue immortality. There is no such thing as eternity
P.S. Even if someone seals me for eternity, I will be out at eternity+1
sounds like you dont have anything against eternity
Your life must be good
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You can watch The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in my opinion they are somewhat similar
similar to what? I just watched the trailer, its a comedy?
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We might never know, but it's super unfortunate for us whose life is bad in this life. Just imagine the people who suffer and they are bound to repeat it for eternity.
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I believe we will live again
yeah, thats sad. Because if your life is hell , it will always be hell. No escape.. ever.. eternal hell.
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Strange, you see consciousness and unconsciousness is binary. Let's say I pass away like at 80, will my consciousness be rebuilt afterward, will someone has the technology to rebuild consciousness? If not, after the universe ends and another big bang where the universe gets created again, time resets, everything reset, eventually my consciousness will get created again at the same time in the same year, no matter how long it may take, lets say 10 billion years on the off state. But do I have consciousness when I am in the off state? No, I wake up as a new born the next second right after I passed away, to me this 10 billion years has no memory. So rather we are stuck on the off state, we are stuck repeating life again and again and again. How many times do you think we are repeating our life?
What is your point exactly? Do you agree with the idea of being eternal or?
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No. It says nothing about the size. The big bang mode works equally well for an infinite and a finite universe.
you are right. However I just watched this video>
and he claims that if our universe is infinite then there are infinite copies of identical me. Does that also mean that if its true that infinite universe exist, will I after I die be reborn again and live the exact same life as now?0 -
No I wouldn't try to place a measurable boundary to our universe. The thing is science cannot prove or disprove a multiverse. Nor has science been able to determine whether our universe is finite or infinite.
A multiverse doesn't preclude the possibility of an infinite universe. You can possibly have an infinite number of infinite universes.
As science can neither prove nor disprove these mathematically accurate possibilities. The best we can say is its plausible.
Beyond that its sheer wild guesses.
wait what? Isnt big bang proof that our universe is finite?
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Thats not as popular an idea as pop media may lead you to believe. I would suggest more feel that the cyclic models are more likely. The problem universe from nothing models fail to adequately adress is that it takes energy for virtual particles to form. The zero energy universe uses a balancing act to accomodate this. However uses psuodo tensors to describe curvature. Many frown upon this.
Out of the numerous "universe from nothing" models this is probably one of the more sucessful in popularity. Though Lawrence Krauss's model may seem more popular the zero energy model was more widely accepted
Funny I find something existing for infinity more unlikely. Good thing science doesn't rely on personal feelings
so you believe that if we could go beyond our universe there is a limit? A wall?
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I've observed or received no tangible evidence confirming that anything does exist outside our universe.
yeah I understand, it was merely a question of belief. For some reason I can't grasp the idea of everything that exist is finite.
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I conceptualize the universe as a bubble expanding into to nothingness--meaning nothing exists outside or beyond our universe. This infers that our universe has boundaries; however, as I've tried to explain, there's distinction between what I conceive and what I believe. What I conceive isn't evidence of fact or probability as what I decide believe surely must be.
Yeah I understand that but when you say you believe our universe is a bubble expanding into nothingsness, then I assume that we came from something and what is it that makes you believe that there isnt anything outside our bubble?
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Although statistically it is highly likely we are not, we are alone until tangible or observable evidence proves we are not. Furthermore, reservations about whether we are alone in the universe isn't a deterrent to our continued efforts to prove we are not--just as present-day levels of testing are not a deterrent to future efforts to prove your idea of a multiverse. However, until such proof is provided, multiverses do not exist.
What do you think whats outside our universe? A wall? Or do you think that logically speaking there is a vast infinity with all possible configurations? Let's speak out of logic and probability not actual something we can prove.
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