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Posts posted by fiero-1

  1. Would you all mind if I stepped in and asked a question?


    I have been thinking about anti gravity a bit. Besides issues of creating such a field. If someone were to create such a bubble. What would even keep that bubble here on earth? Understanding that we are spinning at around 1000 miles per at the equator adding to that we are orbiting the sun and universe at thousands of times faster still. You have just nullified the force that holds you here on earth. If its just that the bubble and the earth are traveling at the same relative speed the slightest nudge should send the bubble off into space fairly fast. Nudging it to the east would it go into space faster? I guess that would depend on what part of the rotation of the earth we were in. While we perceive we are stationary. Actually it is far from it.


    Kind of like creating a transporter or a time machine. You had better be able to calculate where you arrive at that instance. Getting all the motion vectors absolutely correct on that not so stationary planet or you have what I like to call the smear effect. You end up being smeared on the face of the planet or at best floating in space missing the planet completely. It would be something like jumping onto a spinning merry-go-round from a dead stop.


    Oh so many problems with science fiction. Cool stuff because the imagination can go wild. At some point there are real issues. What do you think would happen to the anti gravity bubble?

  2. Sorry, I didn't complete the thought... Yes you are correct. Dimethyl mercury wrong type. Then again if the guy is creating mercury vapor... Well mercury poisoning is a very real possibility.


    Being that my thought was incomplete Dimethyl mercury was the 'wrong type'. I guess I was lazy.


    Although mercury poisoning is still mercury poisoning via mercury vapor or Dimethyl mercury.

  3. I just wanted to thank the more reasonable posters on this subject. I found it a reasonably interesting read. As someone had presented me with this Mercury gravity drive system. Now that I understand the issues with Mercury plasma I find it highly likely it's a hoax as many of these "special drives" are. Oh for those first year physics students I just wanted to thank you for posting those physics secrets. Its real hard to keep secrets today with modern communications. Propaganda doesnt work as well as it did 40 years ago. Some never let conspiracies go though.


    I like many want to believe in these systems because these systems would be real cool. I also understand it takes a lot just to bend a rule of physics. Let alone break it. I have come to the conclusion doubt what you heat until you get to play with it or reputable scientists say it is so.


    @robomont Congratulations you have created Mercury vapor. So now you can create a florescent light. If you have really created anything. Pictures and videos would be interesting. You do have that ability dont you? This is the show me section of the internet. The information re this drive system states you need to use Mercury Plasma @ 150K or -189.67F also dont forget the 250,000 atmospheres or 3,673,987 PSI. You are not at the Plasma energy level yet and are missing a few things. I kind of think you are going to need a larger energy supply. Funny how can you get a plasma at -189.67F? at that temperature I think Mercury is fairly solid.


    Just in case anyone was interested this is one of the many "secrets" that the government doesnt want us to know and that @robomont is referring to... He has been a little elusive about this.


    Funny the secret is out? It seems if this was plausible Space X or Virgin Space program would be working on this.... All it takes is money and they have plenty of money.


    Be very careful with the specific type or Mercury you are playing with. If it is the wrong type and you get it inside your body through your skin or breathing the vapor. In large enough quantity it can pass through the blood brain barrier and you can be dead within 6 months. Vinyl gloves are not effective barrier either. Unless you have lab quality respirators and containment equipment I would be very careful with Mercury vapor.


    Oh here is some data to back up my statements.



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