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Posts posted by morrison50

  1. I've had a very traumatic experience and hoping one of you can either have an explanation for me or convince me I'm not crazy...


    For the past two years I've been an off and on pot smoker, smoking every now and then, no avid smoker by any means. One night I smoked weed and got the normal "high" feeling. I felt relaxed and hungry lol but nothing out of the ordinary. After awhile the high got the best of me and I went to bed, and heres where my experience actually comes in, I don't remember falling asleep... I remember laying down and it felt as though immediately after laying down I began to (what it felt like) lose sanity. Nothing made sense, I felt as though I was in a dream but I knew it was real life. I was hearing a voice in my head, a demonic presence that was telling me things like "god isn't real" and the voice I was hearing was constantly condescending its self. It would tell me god wasn't real, but then would tell me that I was in hell and that I was dead. Later on the voice was saying such things as "Do you not believe that you're dead? try to roll over" and I would follow what the voice said because I was curious whether or not it was real life or a dream. But every time I rolled over it seemed to me that the action of rolling over would constantly repeat. So in appeared as though I was stuck in a time loop or something. As the night carried on I was walking around my room doing absolutely CRAZY things, like snap my fingers, clap my hands, blink repetitively, inch my leg, I even at one point walked out into the lit area of my hallway and was pacing, trying to make sense of it all. If anyone saw what I was doing they would think I was mentally insane!! My heart was beating so fast, at one point I thought I was having a heart attack and even thought I was having a seizure. While all this happened I would repeat these random words in my head and they seemed to be played in an almost song like beat. I would close my eyes hoping to fall asleep and I would hear these words with the beat and see shapes and colors. While everything was happening I had an almost deja vu feeling. As if I had seen these shapes and heard the words with the beat before.



    I hope you guys read through all of this and can make some sense of it, because it honestly scared the shit out of me. I really want to make scientifical sense of it so I don't think feel crazy, or feel like I should turn myself into the looney ben. I've never had an experience like this before, i've yet to receive it again (knock on wood) But the experience in all made me contemplate life it's self. Why we're here, if there are ghosts, or maybe it was just a "lucid dream" type experience. So please help me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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