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Posts posted by johnnesteixeira

  1. I am a supporter of evolution, and I often see creationists claiming that evolution is not scientific because it fails to meet the requirements of the scientific method.


    They claim that any scientific idea must be testable, observable, repeatable and falsifiable, and this is true.

    I know that direct observation is not always possible in science, but I want to know, how do scientists test evolution (changes that create new species)? How is it observable?


    I am not referring to natural selection, like bacteria resistance or changes within the same species, I am referring to those changes above a species level, which create new ones. How do scientists test and confirm speciation? How is speciation a repeatable idea?


    I am not doubting evolution, it's just because these claims have made me feel consufed.


    Creationists often claim that there are no transitional fossils in the fossil record. Is it true? I would like tests that confirm speciation (creation of new species) by geographic isolation.


    I thank for replies!

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