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Posts posted by FatCow

  1. I have been given a simple ChatBot program for my Computer Science class, but I do not understand most of the codes and methods included in it :unsure:


    Some of the things I do not understand in the program are "psn >= 0", "lastChar", and "substring".


    If anyone of you guys can spare some of your time to explain these to me, that would be great!


    I have attached the actual ChatBot file, so you could take a look at it (I had to upload the text file, because I couldn't upload the actual java).


  2. I have another problem...

    I cannot access some websites because of the Java security, but when go to the security settings of Java, it only shows the 'Very High' and 'High' security settings. It does not show the 'Middle' security. I used to have it, but for some reason it is not there anymore.


    I am using a Mac.


    It looks like this.



  3. Ohh, wow. That explains it, but what am I supposed to replace the string with? I'm sorry for asking so many questions, but I'm completely new to this...

    But thanks to everyone that helped! I wasn't expecting so many replies ^_^

  4. I don't know Java, but I'd expect the intent is:


    1. Put character 'b' into variable named a.

    2. Put character 'c' into variable named b.

    3. Put whatever is in variable b, into variable named a. (That's the diff with not having the quotes).


    So the three prints I'd expect to show:







    Dunno why it won't compile for you. (What exactly is the compiler telling you?)



    e.g. (for comparison) this works fine in C#:


    using System;
    namespace SimpleJavaEquiv
      class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
          char a, b;
          a = 'b'; // char literal into a
          b = 'c'; // char literal into b
          a = b; // copy b (which is 'c') into a (overwriting its 'b')
          // Just to pause to see result

    The complier is telling me that the apostrophes are "illegal characters." Thank you for your detailed explanation, but I thought that the second one, "b = 'c'" should not work because c has not been declared in the beginning. Or does it not matter?

  5. I am new to programming and I do not know what output this code makes. I tried to compile it, but there seem to be errors on the apostrophes. Please explain why there are apostrophes on the first two and not the last one... :unsure: Thanks!

    public class FirstProgram


    public static void main(String args[])


    char a, b;

    a = 'b';


    b = 'c';


    a = b;




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