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Everything posted by Kaeroll

  1. I have a feeling that if we do ever create a true AI, it will be through 'artificial evolution'. I'm not sure of the correct term for this, but I simply mean application of an algorithm resembling natural selection to a program or machine. It's already done in many fields with great success. The downside of it is we may not fully understand the product's workings once it arrives.
  2. Very true. I hope we find ET during my lifetime, for this reason if no other. (What, I'm a geek...)
  3. Could be handy if you're watching dodgy late-night movies. Amirite?
  4. Kaeroll

    New Guy Here

    Hey there. Welcome
  5. In addition to the above wisdom, two words: dipole moment.
  6. What is "rep power", praytell?
  7. I'm in touch with a guy who claims crop circles and 'auras' can explain everything, and enable one to burn wood in a vacuum. On an unrelated note, he recently shot and killed a man.
  8. If "They" were controlling our very thoughts, why would They allow you to think that They are?
  9. Explain the quantisation of emission spectra using classical physics.
  10. Not entirely sure. Most officers don't, that's true. The only time I've seen an officer with a firearm is in an airport.
  11. I was taught the basics of radioactivity by having Dairy Milk thrown at my head. It worked!
  12. I think the idea jersincl is suggesting is that aliens we encounter today may be the product of evolution or technology long in the future, which have developed time travel due to a huge increase in knowledge. Maybe I misunderstand.
  13. Found a decent (at first glance... I emphasise the brevity of my search here) looking paper on the synthesis of derivatives of your compound. The reference is Miller et al, J Am Chem Soc 1951, 73 (12), pp5608-5610. If you're looking for a retrosynthetic analysis I can't help you - I'm rustier than I care to admit with some of this chemistry.
  14. In the UK it's not the "snot-nose skater punks". Most of them are either perfectly alright, or a bit lippy at worst. It's the knife-carrying sociopathic thugs that would like nothing more than to stab the skater punks to death that are the problem.
  15. Don't forget, Einstein believed in God, and no amount of quotes you come up with to the contrary will ever disprove that.
  16. You're making unfair comparisons. Violent media have never been shown to cause "violence and mental craziness" in an otherwise normal individual; passive smoking has been shown to cause harm, regardless of what the tobacco industry wants us to think. Concerts are likewise a different story. I went to my favourite Italian restaurant a couple of years ago on Valentine's day, and it was absolutely rammed. The woman at the table next to me lit up and the smoke blew over my face and food. I didn't consent to that by entering the restaurant; going to a concert, you explicitly consent to being exposed to loud noises, and any sane regular concert-goer buys earplugs. I don't know of the equivalent protection for the lungs. I don't think this is a 'can of worms' unless you want to be an asshole about it.
  17. I'm in favour of it being banned in all public environments. I'm not overly interested in arguments for and against; for me it boils down to not wanting to have a coughing fit when some inconsiderate ass blows smoke in my face in the street. Comes with the asthma.
  18. Unfortunately I don't have access to belstein from home, or I'd look it up for you. I imagine EDTA is reasonably soluble at neutral pH, but you could use pKa values to work out a pH at which it will be charged and buffer your solution to that. Alternatively, figure it out experimentally. Put some EDTA in a beaker with water (I assume that's the solvent you're using) and see how pH affects solubility.
  19. I had this argument with someone very recently - a smooth, eloquent student of politics who was leading a campaign to silence the BNP (British National Party, the UK's resident facists). I raised the point that we have no right to silence them, and in doing so we might lend them the strength of being the 'oppressed underdog' - all we can do is allow them to speak, and vocally oppose them at every turn.
  20. Any introductory organic text covers this material. This site also has some material which I found useful during my A levels. Kaeroll
  21. I wonder if anyone's investigated this at all? Say... determining crystal structures of an oxide (or the like) of an unstable element before and after appreciable decay.
  22. You're going straight to hell young lady! (.. see you there. )
  23. Kaeroll

    good passwords

    Nerdy. I approve!
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