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Posts posted by tdobney

  1. Okay, so this is my first time posting and I am not sure if I am in the right place, but I've tried to figure out what the heck I saw yesterday, and can't find any logical explanation, so I was wondering if anyone here could help me!


    So. I saw something very reflective and small really high up in the sky. At first, I thought maybe a plane, but then it realized there was no shape to it. Just a small dot. But then maybe thought that the sun was just hitting it weird, as it was quite sunny and clear. But then, after about 5 seconds of looking directly at it wondering what it was, right before my eyes it dimmed, and then disappeared all together. After looking in the sky again and again, I couldn't see anything. Like.. Ugh! What could this be?


    Summary of the facts:

    - Small reflective dot in the sky (Almost looked like a really bright star in the middle of the day)

    - No distinctive colour - was silver or white. The colour of a bright star.

    - High up like a plane

    - Sunny day with no clouds/ just blue skies

    - About 7pm

    - Non-moving

    - Dimmed and disappeared rather quickly.

    - No sight of it afterwards or anything left behind


    So can anyone think of a logical explanation of this? I am not against or for the whole UFO controversy, but it was immediately the first thing that hit my mind after I saw it. I would just like to know what it might have been a reflection of or what else it could have been.



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