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Posts posted by Renardo1

  1. Hello, I know I posted a question that was similar to this one a while ago, but this one is very new and claims to have "substantial evidence" that we live in a Hologram. Here is the article claiming to have substantial evidence that we live in a hologram: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2017/01/holographic-universe.page


    So my main question is: Does this study discussed in this article really prove that we live in Hologram and that we are not real or is it still just a theory. why does it claim to have substantial evidence and is that substantial evidence enough evidence to say that we live in a hologram? Thank you all!

  2. Hello, everyone! What do you guys think about these 2 topics of the universe being a giant hologram and the James Gates math equation found suggesting that we live in a simulation. Here are the links:


    The hologram article: https://www.rt.com/news/space-evidence-universe-hologram-195/


    Youtube video of James Gates's math (simulation) equation:


    Basically, my questions are: Can you guys explain these 2 topics more and what do they really suggest? Are they strong enough evidence to prove that we live in a simulation?


    My other question is: With these 2 links/ topics, what are the other possibilities of these math equations and findings besides us being in a hologram or a simulation?


    Not going to lie, I am going through an existensial crisis right now and I am quite bothered by the idea that we might be in a simulation. Thank you all!

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