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Posts posted by LeentjeLovesScience

  1. There is some literature around with regards to disruptions of gut biota due to certain types of infections. A relatively recent one is Nelson et al. Plos One 7(10) 2012. Pubmed is your best bet for primary lit.


    The finding was that in a few patients the gut biota was disrupted, though it remained unchanged in the majority of cases.

    thank you!

    I have limited acces on pubmed (i can only see abstracts)

    but i'll ask someone from university to help me log in on pubmed (my school has no account for pubmed)


    the lit of Nelson .... --> thanks! is very intresting!

  2. The information you want may not be available because its possible nobody has done the research.


    Otherwise.....google scholar + pubmed and just start digging deep.

    I'ld like to have knowledge of what is already known about norovirus

    and virusses versus gastro-intestinal environment.


    Afterwards i'll do research myself (as a bachelortest)


    i'll have to figure out how to get acces on the articles on pubmed (i can only see some abstracts)

  3. I 'm searching for good scientific information on this topic :
    "the interaction between human Norovirus and gastrointestinal microbial environment".
    I don't find enough relevant articles on the free databases on internet.
    Can someone advise me some good & free databases

    or send me good articles ?
    + is there some software to organise articles in order to save all the articles and sites I found
    and to make it easier to make the acknowledgement when writing a paper?
    Thanks a lot! :)

    (english is not my native english.. but i'm working on it.
    the articles have to be in english.)

  4. I 'm searching for good scientific information on this topic :
    "the interaction between human Norovirus and gastrointestinal microbial environment".
    I don't find enough relevant articles on the free databases on internet.
    Can someone advise me some good & free databases

    or send me good articles ?
    + is there some software to organise articles in order to save all the articles and sites I found
    and to make it easier to make the acknowledgement when writing a paper?
    Thanks a lot! :)

    (english is not my native english.. but i'm working on it.
    the articles have to be in english.)

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