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Posts posted by Art64mo

  1. Hi chadn737,


    Thank you for your reply. However, as a non Geneticist, your reply "SOUNDS" like you are saying that a son, born to a father with 1/16th Cherokee Indian heritage "COULD" cast a son with most Indian traits, like darkened skin tone. I do realize black hair and high cheekbones would be more dominant.


    We are trying to determine in the ancestor in question was the father of the son or if the son had been adopted. If I am correct in what I think you are saying, then you have answered my question.




  2. Hi All,


    I am afraid I am not a geneticist, or even educated in genetics. My question is basic about the percentage of genetic traits being passed on to next generation.


    An ancestor was 1/16th American Indian, remainder of genetic mack up was Caucasian. He married a 100% Caucasian woman and had five (5) children between 1908 & 1920.

    Of the 5 children, 2 children displayed American Indian traits, which includes darker skin color, black hair and high cheekbones. Appearance of 1/2 Cherokee Indian.

    It would seem to me that the high cheekbones and black hair could be normal, but not the darker Indian like skin color.

    Question: Can someone possibly give me the genetic trait percentage that this man could possibly pass onto his children at 1/16th Cherokee Indian?

    High Cheekbone: ??%
    Black Hair: ??%
    Darker Indian Skin Color: ??%

    Thank you very much. Your answer will help me determine if he was the father of the two children in question.


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