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Posts posted by iAnonymous

  1. My main purpose is share my idea I do not wish to offend anyone, or put down any religion!


    Could god ever think of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, if Johnny Cash never existed?


    Unless God's wisdom is infinite (which it often is cited to be, however for the sake of this post we will say it is finite), it would be impossible for him to think of this song, or any piece of art created by man, without first observing it from the artist. This is because art can be created through infinitely many forms (sculptures, paintings, etc) with infinite possibilities in each form, and each work of art can serve an infinite amount of purposes. Now, you may think... "well everything can be made in an infinite amount of ways" things like a method to solve a math problem, or any device used to measure something. The difference between these things and art, is that art can have infinitely many purposes. While there may be infinitely many different solutions to a math equation, all of them have the same purpose, and will lead to the same solution.

    In conclusion if God had a finite intelligence, and had a finite time to make as many songs as possible, it would be impossible for him to think of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire without first hearing it from Johnny Cash.


    Thinking of what God cannot do is impossible, since god cannot be compared to humanity. God knows about the smallest things you can ever think or have never thought of. His majesty even knows where a leaf is going to fall and when .

    God is ultimate. God created us and knows infinitely more than what we know. We prove our theories by what we see everyday, or by evidence. right? God doesn't need any of these stuff since he's the creator of everything including mankind, and therefore his mighty knows about everything.


    What we know, say, think, or do, does not affect god by anything. We "humans" are nothing compared to his mighty. We need him, but he does not. He is so merciful for keeping us alive after the sins we commit everyday.

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