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liban shire

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Quantum Mechanics

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  1. The true nature of space In order for my theory to take form it is vital that we first re-examine the true nature of space. I’m talking about space in a vacuum state, the stuff that exists outside of the life sustaining atmosphere of our earth. What is space exactly? If we were to remove all observable matter and radiation what would be left? Is space empty? To this last important and fundamental question my reply is simply, no. Space is not empty and far from it. To the naked eye earth’s air appears to be empty. It was not until we developed the tools and understanding to see things on magnified scales that we uncovered a vast array of matter of varying sizes. From dust, molecules, atoms and then electrons we see that the fundamental building blocks were so small they were hidden from our view. It wasn’t until we adapted our way of thinking and developed powerful tools that the truth was uncovered. This illusive veil continues to hide deeper truths when it comes to the nature of space. The same barrier that hid our ability to see atoms (limitations in technology and imagination) is once again blocking our view to see matter on even smaller scales. But what if we could peel away the veil and go to even more smaller than quantum. Magnifying trillions or even quadrillions of times the size of an electron. What would so called empty space when undisturbed (not observed) contain? My answer is that space would be full to the brim with matter, matter so small so fine so granulated that we may never be able to directly detect them. But like so many illusive existences uncovered in the past they leave behind breadcrumbs that we can use to infer their existence. (diagram missing) The above image provides a visual representation of the ideas I am trying to convey; this image is not to scale. For mine and the reader’s convenience I would like to refer to these tiny specs of matter as Sparticles (space particles), specs of matter that constitute space and is the material that space is made from. If Sparticles exist, then they are the most abundant source of matter in the universe and they make up the majority of the mass of the entire Universe. They might also be what scientists currently refer to as dark energy/ matter. They also come in different masses and sizes. The mass of these individual Sparticles are so small, so abysmally tiny that individually or even in massive groups they have hardly any effect on our observable matter. Like a boulder in water, the surrounding h20 molecules have very little effect on the rocks motion. However, when vast quantities of Sparticles gain momentum they can become wave like and have huge impacts on the course of constructs like electrons and atoms. Space is sea like in nature and when matter moves through it, it causes the very fabric of space made from Sparticles to bend, warp and even ripple. Space is not empty it is something physical and real, it’s just that what makes space is small, undetectable and so plentiful it encompasses the universe. It is better to imagine space even in a vacuum as the sea not as something that is void of anything. Instead of being constituted from h20 molecules they are constituted from Sparticles that are so abysmally tiny that we may never be able to detect them directly detect them. The double slit experiment For me this is where it all began, my journey into quantum physics. I came across a video on YouTube in which an electron is fired one by one through a double slit onto a board which measures its point of impact. To my astonishment this single particle landed in a pattern that was representative of a wave. But how could a single particle be reminiscent of a wave? This peculiar phenomenon left me utterly confused; I just couldn’t make sense of it in my mind and like Einstein I was unwilling to accept the Bohmain interpretation because I felt this was an incomplete explanation of the true nature things. This frustration only drove me further, until I started pondering and imagining myself as an electron. What mysterious force is acting on me an electron causing this duality? I was eventually struck by a riveting idea that sent chills down my spine. There is no such thing as a true vacuum, and that the electron was travelling through a sea of smaller undetectable Sparticles that constitute space and not empty space. It is space itself that ripples and causes the wave phenomenon. If this was the case then surely this rippling space would have some sort of impact on the electron’s course as it moved through the double slit. Like if we were to conduct the double split experiment at a larger scale in a pool of water firing baseballs, and we couldn’t detect the H20 molecules, the patterns the baseball would yield would be most irregular. The same applies with the electron, just because we can’t detect the makeup of the environment the electron moves through does not mean that environment is empty. Imagine as the electron moves through the double slit it distorts space creating ripples in the very fabric of space. It does not matter which slit the electron moves through because the ripples in space move through both slits which on the other side interfere with each other making the electron’s environment (the space it moves through) unstable. It’s best to think of the electron as a surfer riding and or creating a wave of distorted space. This is the same causality that makes quantum objects appear so jittery. The fabric of space is constantly being disturbed by the movement of matter through it and when we observe a quantum object it is space that stops rippling forcing the electron to reveal its location. Like a floating object on the sea we can identify its location when we look. However when we turn away, the waves of the disturbed sea moves it somewhere else, because space is like the sea and is constantly in a state of disorder. On the macro scale these fluctuations in space don’t have much effect. However on the quantum scale the impact is much more apparent. But then why does the wave function collapse when we observe it? How does the wave function know it will be observed before the actual observation takes place? The only logical explanation I can think of is that the wave function is not constrained by our perceptions of time. It is possible that it can send information faster than the speed of light so that information reaches a future point in time quicker than the speed the electron travels. So the information from the wave function reaches the observer in the future before the electron moves through the slit. Because of this impossibility the whole system just collapses and the wave function ceases to exist hence destroying the wave phenomenon entirely just like the grandfather paradox. (I do have a few experiments in mind to test this hypothesis.) What can we conclude? The most apparent and fundamental conclusion I can draw is that there is nothing uncertain about the movement matter on the quantum scale. We simply failed to account for the fiercely varying effects of space on quantum objects. A space built from Sparticles that like the sea are in a continual state of flux and movement. Also if Sparticles exist then photons are not the fastest matter in the universe but rather the fastest observable matter, key word being observable. Sparticles hypothetically can achieve speeds much higher than that of photons and are not limited by our perceptions of time. They might also have something to do with quantum entanglement and might be how separated entangled particles appear to send information instantaneously. If this is the case then Einstein’s infamous theory E=MC2 is a relativistic equation and only applies to observable matter. By this logic I believe it no longer makes sense to use the speed of light as a constant and describe photons as massless as the mathematical results will obscure the true nature of things therefore obscuring our understanding of the universe. On a final note I would like to leave the reader with this thought. What do all the forces electro-magnetism, weak/strong nuclear force and gravity all share in common? They all occupy and exist in space. They all manipulate and move through space. I believe the key to finding a unifying theory lies within the study of space and the manner in which each respective force interacts with space itself. Lastly I would like to state that this is purely a theory and is completely unproven, However if this theory could be proved right the implications and light it could shed on other areas in science would be phenomenal. For example Einstein refers to Gravity as the warping of space and time. If we apply this theory to Einstein’s explanation then we now understand that planets warp and bend space itself which is made of Sparticles. This theory would also have implications and possibly help explain Black holes, what gives particles mass, quantum entanglement, why the universe is expanding at an exponential rate and most exciting of all it could draw us closer to unifying the forces.
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