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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Who? Who? Could be a Lepton like me.. Or a Genius like you! I guess you spent a very long time studying old textbook material .. If you wanna build confidence, you must start exploring new ideas, perhaps on your own,, You'll see what you can come up with..
  2. Is that you Clint Eastwood? Grandpa says Hi .. Your search engine isn't good enough..
  3. The speculation advanced here regarding a cyclic universe, without the singular concept of an initial big bang, is not very far from reality. You might learn a lot by studying some recent theory in that category, if you search for scientific articles with a title Realistic Nonsingular Cosmology.
  4. Horava gravity is a horrible attempt to solve the divergences of quantum gravity. Basically it tries to introduce a cutoff. This is done at the price of breaking the symmetry between space and time. The associated mathematical framework is ugly and contrasts with the beautiful framework of Einstein's gravity. As a matter of fact, the divergences of quantum gravity can easily be removed using much more elegant frameworks. These do respect the symmetry between space and time, and try to remove divergences either using covariant cutoff, or by other mathematical techniques. If you are interested in relevant theoretical papers, you can search for divergence-free quantum field theory and divergence-free quantum gravity.
  5. Do you really understand the theory of black holes before making any speculations? Consider this: A black hole prevents light (photons) from escaping its surface. If this is true of photons then it must be true of gravitons. If gravitons cannot escape the surface of a black hole, then a black hole cannot exert any gravitational force! Cannot attract any other object! A black hole doesn't exist -- Even though many supermassive objects do exist in the universe.
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