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  • Location
    Paris, Île-de-France, France
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Biology, Psychology

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Thanks, guys! The links are really helpful. I won't be able to re-take any of the photographs, but I am currently searching for a 2D morphometrics software solution.
  2. First, thank you for your response. Yes, I have but I'm not so sure how accurate they are. They measure facial landmarks, just what I need, but are designed to do so over large distances and with not very high accuracy. Though I saw a few candidates like OpenCV and Visage FaceDetect. The thing is that I have very high resolution photographs and not low-res video which facial recognition software is designed to handle.
  3. I need it to automatically calculate the position of facial landmarks. I found a few libraries but I don't think they are accurate enough. And it looks like I will have to build my own software solution.
  4. Dear Fellow Human Beings on the Quest for Truth, I am currently working on my PhD dissertation regarding the ever-elusive topic of human beauty (what have I got myself into!?). I have gathered a lot of "field" data, but I am currently facing a challenge. I can't seem to find an effective digital image processing software solution for evaluation of facial attractiveness. Of course, I am not looking for a "one button" solution but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to build a program from scratch. I don't even know how that is done. I am just searching for a fast way to analyze all the photographic data. Absolutely any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Best regards, Alexander Jones (Hopeful PhD)
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