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  1. Yes, I 've heard about that before. What about future human Martians when they go back to earth?
  2. You said: "I think I saw a movie once where this rule was used. This is not science OpenMind, its SciFi."
  3. This scientist disagrees with you, he says you can only travel back to the time when a time machine was built: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/13/130412-iranian-time-machine-time-travel-grandfather-paradox/ (Not the Iranian guy but the one interviewed here) What is time dilation?
  4. But if you build a time machine, you can travel back to the point where the time machine is created...
  5. I thought that they proved its existence in a laboratory?
  6. Interesting video, but the problem is that I didn't learn about this idea from Science-fiction, but scientists. They however added that an immense amount of negativd energy would be needed to move the space around objects, about the size of Jupiter, which makes it practically impossible with our current technology.
  7. If anti-gravity is science-fiction what does negative energy do? I thought it does the opposite of normal energy and can 'push away' energy so that it moves a spaceship for instance while the spaceship itself doesn't move at all? It would also turn gravity to anti-gravity.
  8. So as I understand anti-gravity has nothing to do with pressure? Can anti-gravity only be achieved by negative energy? I regularly watch science tv-shows and by negative energy you can levitate things as far as I understood? Al Bielek was already suspicious to me, because he sells CDs etc with his story and his story changed over the years, which wouldn't happen when a story is true. As my username says I am Open Minded, therefore I don't immediately dismiss claims like time travel, I mean, according to Karl Popper scientific paradigms can be overthrown, so who knows, maybe in the future we can time travel with new scientific paradigms, but if someone is obviously a fraud, asks a lot of money, changes his/her story they aren't credible to me anymore.
  9. Hi, thanks for your replies. As I 'm critical about things, but have a lack of physical knowledge due to poor education I asked it here. Could someone explain me the difference between normal pressure and atmospheric pressure? So on a planet with no atmosphere there is zero gravity?
  10. Dear all, I 'm someone with an open mind interested in urban myths etc. I found a supposed interview by someone called Al Bielek who claims to have travelled through time. He would have done that in a US military experiment, now it's naive to dismiss all extraordinary claims as there will definitely exist secret technology by the military, though this is quite extraordinary to claim. I seriously listened to what he said (though most likely fake it's still a fascinating story he had to tell and betterctyan most science-fiction) He said that he travelled to the 22nd and 28th century. He described floating cities in the 28th century. The relevant part of the interview here in which he describes how it physically worked according to him can be found from 0:48 to 2:28 and he talks about it in some other part too. Now I want to ask people with knowledge of physics if what he says is complete mumbo-jumbo or if (by coincidence or some physical knowledge which he has) something of what he says is correct. He also explained how anti-gravity was established by removing the pressure above something, is this correct I ask s a layman and can something lose gravity by removing pressure from above? It seems logical to me.
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