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  1. Hello, I am trying to figure out how to calculate keq for a redoxs soultions lab we did in my uni with copper (i) chloride mixed with 60 mL of distilled water. We were asked which redox reaction happened? (precipitation? ) and to calculate keq Im not really sure how to do this. so first I wrote what happened and then I thought I had to calculate the moles of the species? so 0.01 moles of CuCl (i think) and 0.003 moles of water? 2CuCl + H2O = Cu2++ 2Cl + H2O then im not sure of my next step? UPDATE: So then I can put it into this form no? Keq = [Cu2+][2Cl-]/ [CuCl] i dont understand why it is Cu2+ and 2Cl. isnt there a value for the separation of CuCl in the first place?
  2. An iron wire is inserted in a pH = 1 solution. Describe the phenomena that will take place, give the reasons for your answer and calculate the species concentrations when the chemical equilibrium is reached. (Assume pressure and temperature correspond to standard conditions). Suppose the final solution in the previous experiment is placed in a container (A) and an iron wire is immersed into it. It is connected with a copper wire immersed into other container (B) that contains 0.2 M Cu2+ solution. Is this system a galvanic cell? If your answer is NO, say why. If your answer is YES, calculate de electromotive force and the hall-cell potential when the equilibrium is reached? Data: E0 (Fe2+/Fe0 ) = - 0.44 V E0 (Cu2+/Cu0 ) = 0.34 V. I dont understand how to calculate any of this. i feel that the question is missing information
  3. Hello, i am so lost on these questions. Ive been watching heaps of YouTube videos reading my textbook but i have no clue how to even start with these questions. My textbooks are very general so i dont know how to solve more specific problems like these. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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