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  1. I apologise for posting the theory here, it is a little of subject, as for relativity I think you guys seem to be doing a good job of poking holes into his dreams of proving Einstein wrong.
  2. space time surrounds everything in the universe and controls the natural order and as such it would simply slow time down around an object to maintain the natural order, time is the Mother Nature of the universe and keeps everything in balance, if I could explain the theory and give the world exact and proven specifications on how time would effect matter traveling faster than light I would be famous but it is at the end of the day an unproven theory, I like many in here would love to know the true mechanics of time but also like many I have theory's that have no proof they are only theory's and not proven or tested.
  3. I believe that the motion of the moving object i.e the car is irrelevant as the light particles leaving the torch will always be traveling at light speed and as light speed is the universal speed limit and that if an object travels faster than light speed time would slow to correct that universal error thus always maintaining light speed so the speed of the car would just become null and void, the time displacement that occurs to correct this sort of error would be minuscule and not even noticeable unless traveling at such speeds for a long period and would only effect the object moving at light speed, that is what I believe until proven that light speed is not the limit. Also I enjoyed swansont's analogy of the ball throw, if you threw a ball at half the speed of light out of an object also moving at half the speed of light you would just simply keep up with the ball, most likely resulting in the ball hitting you in the face as it loses velocity and you maintain half light speed.
  4. Self worth is a personal determination of how one perceives themselves and cannot be determined by any outside party.
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