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  1. ^ lol.... I never called myself a "smoker" ... I just said, I smoke.. Anyways, all this discussion has been a lot comforting ... I thank you and everyone else for their inputs... Kind Regards.
  2. @imatfaal: Thanks for the re-assuring words...means a lot...much appreciated @Phi for All: About seeing a doctor, my father himself is a Doctor, he specializes in head and neck surgery...I told him, I want to get a CT Scan, to ensure that all my facial bones are in-tact, and He told me, that I am crazy and that I need to see a Psychiatrist..So, seeking medical help is not an option for me, for this particular incident. Even, I feel it's kind of irrational, but somehow, I don't have any control over these obsessive thoughts. And, about quitting smoking. I know it's a disgusting habit, and I hate it, but, I am not a heavy/chain smoker. I am a pretty light smoker. Once or twice a week, believe it or not. And, I smoke only, because it helps with my obsession to some extent. Smoking, is common among patients suffering from schizophrenia. So, I guess nicotine, does have some positive effects on people suffering from a mental illness. And, you won't believe what my Psychiatrist told me about smoking, When, I told him, I only smoke once or twice a week. He responded by saying that, if you really smoke this much, than you have more chance of being run over by a truck than dying from smoking related ailments. He was actually encouraging it, as long as it keeps my symptoms at bay. I still don't believe him. I know, there is no safe level for smoking. It is harmful, even in low quantity. and, I plan on kicking the habit for good eventually.
  3. This question may sound a bit irrational. But, I need to clear the air first. I suffer from a severe case of Obsessive compulsive Disorder. and I worry about the most simple things, however, benign they may be. And, I also Smoke. And I shouldn't be smoking, its bad for health..blah..blah..I know that...but I need Answers to this Question from an anatomical point of view. I don't need any personal suggestions. So, the question is that, I probably got a lighter flame inside my external nares, while lighting a cigarette, my friend was holding the lighter, and he tilted it a bit, and the flame was set to high length..So, it got into my nose. Now, I feel perfectly fine, but, since, I suffer from OCD, I can't stop thinking about it. I have this Delusion that It might have damaged/injured my skull base. Now, theoretically, speaking, how plausible is that, a lighter flame inside a nose, can reach up to the skull base? I mean, is there a straight passage up to the skull base? Or, will the turbinates inside the nose, obstruct the flame from reaching the skull base? And also, if somehow, Theoretically speaking, flame damages the skull base, and causes a perforation in the skull base, exposing the brain. Can someone survive this condition, living with a hole in the skull? Would it be extremely painful? From what I have heard, burns and injuries from Fires are painless, since they destroy all the pain receptors? Please, respond...ASAP...I am just over thinking this alot...
  4. Well, determining the pH isn't really the big issue here. I just want to know, how quick is the reaction of NaOH with Air(CO2) to form a carbonate. Say, for example, 50 - 100 ml of NaOH Solution. I Didn't spill this much, but a larger value will give a better idea of the reaction time. I also noticed on the bottle it says can be used to clean toilet bowls and floors. Now, i have heard, you cannot pour sodium hydroxide down a toilet, since it reacts wit water and causes explosions and splash backs. When I was un-clogging drains, I poured some excess down the toilet, and there was no reaction. So, it might not contain Sodium hydroxide at all.. What do you guys make of this inference?
  5. I am not sure it's NaOH, I am just guessing, since every other drain opener, in the market contains Sodium Hydroxide. The Bottle just says Improved Formula(English Formula), doesn't mentions the exact formulation. It wasn't fuming, felt a bit soapy..So, I am guessing it's probably, NaOH..
  6. I was using diluted drain opener, to open some clogged drains. Now, this drain opener, does not mention any ingredients on the bottle, and I also have tried looking online, it was some local brand, does not show up on Google. But, since, most drain opener have NaOH in them, I am guessing, it did too. Now, what really happened is, I spilled some on my hands, and without knowing it, touched various surfaces around the house, I only came to know, that I have spilled it on my hand, when I noticed some light pink color on my hand. The drain opener, was colored light pink. I rinsed my hand immediately, there is no chemical burn on my hand, But, I am worried, I might have spread it on various different surfaces around the house. If it is indeed the case, how long will it take for the spilled NaOH, to completely turn into sodium carbonate.
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