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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Electromagnetic waves

R-U-Bn?'s Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. They are playing with the dark side. One day it will cost us all! (Both joke and not joke.) Non joke explanation, sci-fi style (Ode to Aasimov): Triljards of years from now, the race that finally became enlightened dug back in the past. In the past before several Bing Bangs happened. In the past were several universes evolved, but never became enlightened. In the past were all universes were destroyed and banged again. After long debate and hundreds of years of research, they finally discovered that Big Bangs -except the first one maybe, before which they could never gain any information- was nothing more than experiments from scientists trying to dig and dig, by the same natural curiosity that made them evolve, until -and in some past this would have been called Tolkienesk- they dug too deep! And BANG!
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