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  1. That would explain it, thank you. Is the blood a constantly changing environment then, protein concentrations varying from week to week ? How does this manage to fit into the homeostasis and the constant internal environment ? I understand of coure, that it's not going to be a perfect constant, but does the body have much trouble regulating the blood to stay at a reasonably constant, stable state ?
  2. Thanks for that, but I still think there would be some sort of problem with them. Would a biomolecule in such massive excess not be toxic in some way, it would need to be 'mopped up'. Do these randomly generated sequences wait around in storage ? I thought that it was only the ones that were activated that were kept for later use ?
  3. Hi All, Just a quick question regarding affinity maturation in response to an antigen. If the B cells are undergoing hyper mutation to produced the appropriate antibody for the antigen of the invader, do they not produce a huge number of wasted antibodies that will remain in the body ? As I understand it, (I may be wrong) they have to experiment with mutated antibodies to fit with the antigen, with only a tiny number of antibodies fit for purpose. I can't see how the body deals with all the wasted antibodies produced in the process ?
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