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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Botany dissection kits are pretty cheap, and there is really only one that I think people ever use. She could use it to dissect parts of flowers or plants and look at plant cells vs. (ant?) cells under the scope. Every child needs their own NMR machine too, IMO.
  2. A little background in cliffs format: -Sophomore in college, studying for BS in Biochemistry -Very good at biology, chemistry; decent at math, physics -Want to go to graduate school and work with protein folding and protein design -Currently in an undergradate ecology lab, hope to have 5 or more posters with my name on them by the time I leave (3 as first author) -3.88 GPA after first year (Gen Chem I & II, Gen Bio I & II, Ethnobotany, Calculus I, College Algebra & Trig, English 104, Introductory University Class) -Semi-heavily involved in extra curriculars, both school involved (leadership positions) and community service involved Here are my two issues: 1) I don't know what I need to be looking at for an MS/PhD when it comes to protein folding and design. Structural Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, etc.? They all seem plausible, but they can't all be equal, surely. 2) My schedule as it stands with a BS in Biochem is going to make a relatively high GPA a very tough task. My work ethic is great IMO, but it can only take me so far. Before next year, I have to have Genetics and Evolution, OChem 1 & 2, Calc Physics 1 & 2, and Calc II taken or else I have to switch majors or take an extra semester of school (I only have one semester where I can take PChem I). I obviously want to get into the best graduate school possible, and don't want three semesters to hurt my (science) GPA because I'm overloading myself with STEM courses. What should I do with this? Take a Chem heavy Biology degree, or continue on as I am and work for the highest GPA possible? Thanks guys.
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