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  1. Alright I made a quick account and I didn't know what category this would fall in. I'm 14 year old male, I do pretty good in school so I'm not a complete idiot. But first off I've been using binaural beats. I've been using them to help me lucid dream, so far I've only lucid dreamt once. When I listen to the beats I close my eyes and I'm able to get vivid imaginations and visuals. Tonight I didn't listen to any beats, therefore my mind was going blank. I didn't get any random abstract visuals and imaginations. So I decided that I'd try to force them, well I didn't exactly think that, but it was more intentional. I started thinking, just basically forcing my mind, to do whatever. Gradually my brain started to basically heat up, I felt pain and it burned and ached. That sensation grew more intense the more I did whatever I was doing. However, Instantly I realized that I was getting intense visuals and imaginations as I would if I was listening to binaural beats. But I then noticed that I also obtained a few fragments and images of memories of things I did earlier a few hours ago. Things I didn't pay much attention to. But I remember I did get a memory of a sound wave. I can still picture it in my head. It's a sound wave of a song. How would I remember something like that? Something as complex as a sound wave. Eventually the oddest part occurred, I then got the most intense closed eye visual. I saw a rounded rectangular type shape light. It was a super bright light, I actually thought my eyes were opened. I tried to hold it as long as possible, but I was freaked out. My mind is still flowing, questions are still pouring in. Am I the only one who can do this? Is it harming and affecting my brain? Why does this happen? What is happening? And is my brain a bit more special? I don't know that word for that.
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