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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Relativity and Cosmology

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. A simple question: has it ever occurred to anyone that at the sub-atomic scale accelerators have confirmed both mass increase and time distortions. If that were true, then as an object moved at a Relativistic Speed, then the atoms/nuclear particles on that object would increase in mass and the Bosons (very particularly the Gluons - the Strong Nuclear Force particles) would slow. The time distortions occur in General Relativity as well, and because the energy for any slowed Boson would have to go somewhere, the nuclear particles would increase in mass. So more complex atomic cores would absorb energy and break up - into simpler elements. In re-uniting energy and matter that way some might say that would mean a reversal of entropy in objects where General Relativistic effects were very high - like Galactic or Stellar/Globular Cluster Cores. There is also a mathematic argument that there is a light speed limit to escape velocity. So matter could escape from Schwarzschild objects [s.O], but because of the Bosons would slowdown and concentrate (collectively increasing in density) at the core of any S.O. they could not. The Mathematic arguments are considerable for this and have been numerically confirmed to be consistent with most current Physics principles. I can forward the mathematic arguments for this idea at the tiniest hint of interest from anyone.
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