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Open science: Free scientific protocols with built-in version control


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Please help us to spread the word about a free repository of open access scientific protocols ScientificProtocols.org. We are a not-for-profit site aiming to solely to help scientists and are without commercial vested interest of any kind. By sharing scientific protocols we hope to encourage transparency in research and promote reproducibility of published results.


ScientificProtocols.org is built on the GitHub API. This allows us to provide free sophisticated version control of all protocols submitted to the site. This means you can easily track changes to a protocol over time. Learn more about GitHub and the open science movement.


ScientificProtocols.org is also part of the Reproducibility Initiative an initiative designed to identify and reward high quality reproducible research via independent validation of key experimental results. This initiative is a collaboration between Science Exchange, PLOS, Figshare and Mendeley.


Every protocol published on the site also automatically gets a digital object identifier (DOI) free of charge thanks to our integration with Zenodo.


Please help us make a meaningful contribution to the open science movement by trying out the site and telling your friends and colleagues about it if you think it's useful. We'd also love to hear feedback and suggestions about improving the usability of the site. Thank you!





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