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Is Materialization of macroscopic objects possible???

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I don't believe that materializations of spirits is really existent, but I have seen in the internet something about materializations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_von_Schrenck-Notzing

If you look at the picture of Eva C. you will think that the picture is faked...


But now a question on physics: From quantum field theory/ and particle physics it is well-known that particles can be created from vacuum for a short time. But a human being consist of billions of particles. So if someone starts to compute Feynman diagrams with billions of elementary particles and (using standard model of particle physics) it will be an enormous expenditure; but the probability of having billions of Loop contributions in a Feynman diagram tends to zero. So, from quantum field theory materializations of macroscopic objects is zero (except there is a extremely magnificient energy that enables to create many particles). Naturally, on our earth there is not such a large amount of energy that could create many particles from vacuum for a while. Which physical requirements must hold that macroscopic objects can be materialized from vacuum? What would happen, if Planck's constant would attain a much larger value? Is Planck's constant really an universal constant of nature or can it change under certain requirements?

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Hello Linker.


But now a question on physics.

Question 1.

My answer depends on your concept of a vacuum; if you conceive a vacuum as containing nothing, the answer is NO because the word nothing implies non-existence. For a vacuum resulting because a volume is only devoid of matter but containing the fundamental dynamic reality that enables a logical concept of space, then the answer is yes; it is referred to as Virtual Matter.

Question 2 in the form of a statement.

You are correct regarding a belief concerning the inability of macroscopic objects to materialise directly from quantum field theory and requires many transformations involving the passage of a long period of that we call time. And yes, the assembling together of nucleons into larger number groups to form the nuclei of elements takes a huge amount of energy. Such magnitude of heat energy eventually available, and only generated by the increasing rapidity of the random motion of earlier formed matter in the central interior of constantly evolving stars.

Question 3.

In our portion of the universe Planck's Constant can be and is regarded as correct and unchanging. If Planck's Constant increased in magnitude, all parameters responsible for physical dimensions would be automatically adjusted.

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