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  • Lepton



Lepton (1/13)



  1. http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/menshealth/facts/paruresis.htm They did not mention this in the above but I heard this years ago in Australia. The best way to go is to multiply in your head. Such as: 4 times 6 times 4 times 8 times 2 times 10 times 8. Now all those who are left not going to the bathroom this works. Try it if your bashful. Also the answer to the first question should include "What triggers us to go to the bathroom in the first place" I believe the we also pee when the chemicals in our body get to the point where they become toxic. I know it's a simple thing to just think about peeing when our bladder if full but at time I and others pee just a little bit on a hot day and that pee is a darker yellow due to the chemicals in it's make up. Next time notice how you do not pee the same amount each time. and ask yourself what is different What makes up pee is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urea [/url]
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