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    Lisboa, Portugal
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Plant Biotechnology


  • Quark

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  1. I totally agree with you... I just don't know if it is that simple to bypass politics... but it would be great! We are now entering the political domain, and I'm not that confortable discussing it, I must confess... so forgive me if I'm wrong (eheh)
  2. I totally agree with you... I just don't know if it is that simple to bypass politics... but it would be great! We are now entering the political domain, and I'm not that confortable discussing it, I must confess... so forgive if my wrong (eheh)
  3. I thought that we were discussing GMOs... not trying to save the world Of course you are right in what you say, it's very beautiful, but not very realistic from my point of view.
  4. Ecoli: First of all, as I had already said, the argument that GMOs will stop hunger is a false one since this is a political issue. Second, nowadays scientists are thinking ahead like never before... germplasm banks are emerging and are a very nice way to preserve the variety of species. (and everybody knows that less variability can lead to extiction... there's no need for you to mention that again and again). And to finish... when you introduce a new gene/trait into a plant you create MORE diversity in certain species. This diversity is lost in agriculture/selective breeding, and this happens with GMOs and not GMOs. As I've said, it's up to farmers to select the best varieties (with GMOs they have MORE varieties to choose from...). Oh! And of course genes interact with each other... but you can't forget that GMO's are intensively tested before coming out to the market (if they are not banned... as it is in Europe...)
  5. The majority of the plants that we use today aren't the "native" ones anymore... and AGAIN comes the germplasm banks issue. Ok, I'll stop saying the same over again (ehehe.. i love to discuss this subject)... I'm kind of like your professor... i'm doing my master on Plant Biotechnology Just to finish... GMOs aren't perfect, but are one of the best alternatives in many areas, not only for Men... (in my opinion, of course)
  6. I can't agree with you on that... as i've said, GMOs are new varieties of the species that already exist and i can't see how they can lead to a decrease in biodiversity in shorter periods. Plus, nowadays scientists are aware of the importance of creating germplasm banks... Basically what i mean is that the biodiversity thing is not a big problem related to GMOs, since it happens with agriculture in general.
  7. I agree... but that kind of selection has been done for centuries and has nothing to do with GMO's
  8. That's another wrong assumption... GMO's aren't the answer to poverty and starvation since this is mainly a political issue. And about that whole "original species/diversity" issue... that's why it is important to have germplasm banks. And also... introduction of new genes into plants it's only a way to get more diversity, it's up to farmers to select the more profitable (after being tested and tested and tested by scientists)
  9. I already got the sequence. Thanks a lot anyway
  10. Hello again, does anybody have (or knows where i can find it) the whole sequence of the pJIT 60 plasmid? Thanks
  11. nowadays there are no such things like "original plants" (there are, but not in our houses). Farmers have been selecting crops for centuries... at least with GMO's we know what kind of selection we're doing (not just by the looks).
  12. Hi everybody! Has anyone ever tried to clone the sequence SEKDEL (for ER directioning) by PCR? I was wondering if I could get some help with the primer design and some other technical issues (a link or a paper where i can find some decent description of the procedure would also be very very helpful). Thanks a lot
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