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About adianadiadi

  • Birthday 01/01/1972

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  • Location
    Warangal, AP, India
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  • Occupation
    Lecturer in chemistry


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  1. Both are same. 2nd one is another way of writing the same molecule. Hint: when you exchange to bonds with each other, the configuration is inverted i.e. from R to S or S to R.
  2. We know that Grignard reagent is strongly basic. It is stronger than NaOH. We also know that sodium hydroxide is just enough to abstract a proton from active methyl group of acetaldehyde to carry out aldol reaction. Now my point is, if we use Grignard reagent, acetaldehyde should undergo aldol reaction instead of Grignard reaction. Any comments?
  3. I think HCl is not the best option to lower the pH. We should use other weak acids like acetic acid (Vinegar)
  4. Yes bonding between the pan and food or degraded food. But what is the nature of those bonds. Exactly what are they?
  5. A simple periodic table with salient features explained can be found at: link removed
  6. Whether a hard acid is a stronger acid? I mean if we take soft acid, is it weak?
  7. It is possible to extract caffeine from tea powder using carbon tetrachloride. In fact tea powder has more caffeine than coffee beans. As far as I remember, the extraction goes smoothly. Final crystallization with charcoal will give the pure crystals.
  8. Sorry to interfere, after a long time, however, I do not see any bond breaking between red and green labelled carbons so that it will make spiro carbon planar. Could you please clarify this? Please try to mark the bonds instead of atoms. Thank you.
  9. During the haloform reaction, the base hydrolysis of α,α,α-trihalocarbonyl compound gives the haloform as the final product. But why not the halogen groups are substituted by the OH- groups to give a trihydroxy compound which can lose water molecule to give finally an α keto acid?
  10. What is the name of isomerism exhibited by methyl acetate and ethyl formate. Both are esters. So not functional isomers. Do you call them metamers or something else?
  11. You can learn chemistry just by asking yourself some basic questions. Is it so you by heart other subjects and it fails when it comes to chemistry? Do you ever try to understand this subject? Try at basic levels. Listen to your lecturer carefully. Revise by practicing the subject. Adi
  12. Hint: Adjacent axial or equatorial positions are trans to each other. Alternate axial & equatorials are also trans to each. Remaining you have to work out. You have to visualize the cyclohexane first.
  13. Any idea of separating Urea from Formic acid from their mixture? Both are water soluble.
  14. "The positive entropy change is thermodynamically not favored" is not correct. According to second law of thermodynamics, all the spontaneous processes involve increase in entropy of universe.
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