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carlos delatorre

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  1. dude isn't science bringing up questions and trying to answer them? I'm simply trying to have to have a discussion. Is this not a forum? I brought up questions regarding what this gentleman was talking about. I guess I will never bring up speculations. The scientific community needs help.
  2. I have a hypothesis that consciousness is the "goo" of virtual photons within the limits of our neurons. Pink elephant. Your consciousness is as real as that elephant you just thought of. I get much deeper in a thread I started. Come chat because I could be wrong, and I would like to find out.
  3. Except the EM force which is the photon as well. A virtual photon. Pretty funny though :D
  4. Pink elephant, our consciousness is as real as that elephant we just thought of. It seems as if our consciousness is information itself. Virtual photons act as information when transferring electrical current between electrons. So when our brain has electricity being transferred between neurons it is actually a bunch of virtual photons transferring the data of the force between electrons. I have a hypothesis that our consciousness is simply a "goo" of virtual photons within the limits of the amps, ohms, and vaults of the brain. Cut a persons brain into two (without them dying obviously) and place it into two different bodies, and they would both be that same original person. Cognition acts like a "goo". There are many questions that this brings up though, for example how this idea fits into string\membrane hypothesis. Also is our consciousness the virtual photons themselves or is I carried by them? If it is carried by them then how can a particle have something more fundamental than itself? (For the fellow geeks, are the waveforms of the virtual photons made congruent via the brain, or is it a mash up of all sorts of chaotic virtual photon transfers) Even if I am completely wrong (totally could be) it is exciting. Let's discuss! (I have no degree yet, though I'm working on it; so any input would greatly be appreciated)
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