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    Environmental Medical

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  1. Environmental Political Team Hollywood's Math is NOT the same math that is used by Maryland JSOC Medical Assessing an Environmental Atmospheric Molecular Chemical Anomaly dilemma to Medical Special Warfare standards of report. Case in point: Politician Al Gore: proclaims Molecule X is CO2 and "The Cause IS the Effect". (Mayan Math Madness). VS JSOC Medical: uses the Archimedes see saw kinetic math board model CAUSE-------+-------EFFECT to assess, report and track an unknown environmental molecular chemical anomaly agent to a descriptive medical ID for a physician medical chemical pathophysiology review. Politician Al Gore's kinetic math statement "The Cause IS the Effect" scores a 1 step Kir Plunk because Al Gore fails to Factor the molecular DECLINE side of the see saw math board model to a descriptive medical ID. What balances on an Archimedes see saw kinetic math board model to Maryland JSOC Medical standards of report is that the politically unstated molecular DECLINE side of the see saw math board model keeps FACTORING in as the CAUSE side of the model. However, tracking anything back to the Corporate Chemical Practices of Wall Street - That's NOT in the budget. Maybe that is the real reason why politicians have deemed the US Army Medical Corps "too busy" and cluelessly inept Environmental Political Team Hollywood is the lead sled dog in a clinical area of Medical Special Warfare today? To assess the molecular dynamics of the atmosphere a Maryland JSOC Chemical 18D will use the medical format INPUT-----and-----OUTPUT. What is society putting IN to the atmosphere would be articulated on the RISE side of the see saw math board model. The DECLINE side of the see saw would represent what the Molecular Depletion of what Chemical Corporation are depleting OUT of the atmosphere in billion and billion of tons. Logic: The RISE in atmospheric molecular storm virulence ---------+---------UNSTATED molecular DECLINE in atmospheric N2 the INERT molecule. Atmospheric N2 depletion was developed in 1918 by a historically known NAZI Collaborating Alchemist named Fritz Haber. Motion was initiated on the DECLINE side of the Archimedes see saw math board model so the opposite or RISE side of the model would be called the SIDE EFFECT side of the model. The RISE in atmospheric molecule CO2 would be called a SECONDARY Molecular RISE suggesting that the Earth's SALT CYCLE is INERT atmosphere dependent. So the more the atmosphere becomes less inert by the depletion of atmospheric molecule CO2 the more the Earth's SALT CYCLE is working less efficient. The United States does NOT have Medical standards of report because there is NO Medical Chain of Command on this Environmental Medical Op. All of Maryland JSOC was just dissolved back in the late 80's as a resultant of Iran Contra. However, the medical section of Maryland JSOC that was the Medical Chain of Command that use to spear head environmental molecular chemical anomaly assessments for the Office of Secretary of Defense. This assessment was written by Michael F. Cwilichoski RN 18D2V long off duty 2nd RANGER Battalion 1980-1986. I was initially introduced to Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger in 1983 by Maryland Medical Chemical JSOC physician. Matter of Military Record. Is Archimedes see saw kinetic math logic alien to this forum?
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