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Titrations and Stuff (Chemistry)


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1. How am i supposed to found out how much of a certain molecule is needed to neutralize another molecule?


ie. "How many milliliters of .400 M KOH will neutralize 25 mL of .600 M H2S04?"


2. How do i find out the molarity and concentration of a molecule in a solution?


3. What salt is produced from the reaction of H2SO4 and KOH? ("is it K2SO4?")


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1. You need to caculate the moles of h2so4. Use the corrent molar ratio (1:2 h2so4:KOH) to find how many moles of KOH you need. Then devide that my the concentration of your solution.


2. That depends on what you know or don't know. If you know nothing but the substance then you could do a titration or other analytical methods.


3. Yes H2SO4 + 2 KOH -> K2SO4 + 2 H20

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