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Help with mechanism steps

Suzy Tran

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Have you learned anything about how carbocations can rearrange?

Yes, I've learned it and I actually tried to do a rearrangement as well but was unsure which bond i should move.

And.......... what exactly is preventing you from looking it up?

I just looked it up, but I am still confused about it how this can be applied to the mechanism part. I think the product from this reaction is has an internal alkene since the C=C pi bond is not at the end of the carbon chain. Also the internal alkene is more stable than the terminal alkene due to the greater number of carbons connected to the double bond.

Edited by Suzy Tran
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I suggest drawing the first carbocation in the reaction and asking what kind of carbocation it is (primary, secondary, or tertiary). Carbocation rearrangements occur when an electron pair from a sigma bond moves to form a different bond. They are often seen when they lead to a carbocation of greater stability in the product than in the reactant.

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I suggest drawing the first carbocation in the reaction and asking what kind of carbocation it is (primary, secondary, or tertiary). Carbocation rearrangements occur when an electron pair from a sigma bond moves to form a different bond. They are often seen when they lead to a carbocation of greater stability in the product than in the reactant.

Well I tried drawing the mechanism and this is what I did, I think my main problem is that I can't visualize the structure of the cyclopentane turning into cyclohexane properly.


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That's better. The third from the last structure is a six-membered ring with a positive charge, and there is no reason to draw it looking so distorted. I don't understand what is happening between the third-from-last and the second to last structure. Finally, a base (which could be water) is needed to accept a proton to form the alkene product. The water molecule you drew is doing something that I do not understand.

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That's better. The third from the last structure is a six-membered ring with a positive charge, and there is no reason to draw it looking so distorted. I don't understand what is happening between the third-from-last and the second to last structure. Finally, a base (which could be water) is needed to accept a proton to form the alkene product. The water molecule you drew is doing something that I do not understand.

Ah thank you, I was trying to draw the distorted figure so I forgot about the steps after that. But here's what I did now.


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That was exactly what I was getting at. That rearrangement costs energy, although it is the most stable product. At low temperatures, water leaves the molecule, giving you 1-methyl-1-vinylcyclopentane. At higher temperatures, the ring will rearrange to give the more stable 1,2-dimethylcyclohexene.

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