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how to convert fractional decimal to binary ?


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I'm not sure if you want binary fractions, or a binary number with a 'decimal' point.

If you want a binary fraction, then just change the numerator and denominator into binary. Since 1(dec)=1(bin) and 2(dec)=10(bin):
1/2(dec) = 1/10(bin)

Similarily 1/4(dec)=1/100(bin).

If you want to find the equivalent binary number with a 'decimal' point, then there are two ways to do it:

First way using the number 3/4=0.75 as an example.
1 ) Multiply the dec# by a power of two so that it is integral: ex. 0.75*2^2=3
2 ) Convert this integral number into binary: ex. 3(dec)=11(bin)

3 ) Now divide this new binary number by the same power of 2, you multiplied the decimal one by. Since you are in binary, dividing by a power of two is just moving the 'decimal' point: ex 11(bin) / 2^2(dec) = 0.11 (moving the decimal twice to the left).
You have your answer. 3/4=0.75(dec)= 0.11(bin)

Second way using the same example

1 ) Multiply decimal fraction by 2: ex. 0.75*2= 1.5
2 ) Take the number in the unit place (one's place): ex. in this case it would be a 1, this is the first digit after the decimal point for the binary equivalent. ie. 0.75(dec)=0.1????(bin)

3 ) Take the fraction part of the new decimal number and multiply by two again: ex. 0.5*2= 1.0
4 ) Again take the number in the units place as the next binary number: so 0.75(dec)=0.11???(bin)

5 ) Keep repeating this until you get a 0 as the fraction part of the decimal number, or until the decimal part starts repeating: in this case we got a 0 in the fractions part of the decimal number 1.0, so we stop.

If the fraction part starts repeating you know that the binary fraction repeats too.

Edited by tarimshahab
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