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pH and its effect on Amylase activity


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For my biology lab, we had to find the pH and its effect on amylase activity.

I used 1mL of acidic/basic/neutral starch solution and 3mL of 5% amylase solution.

After combining the two solutions, I waited 50 minutes for the reaction to occur.

(We cannot change the temperature. Therefore, room temperature)

After 50 minutes, I used the Benedict's reagent and heated it to see the colour change in the solution.

However, I did not observe any colour change. My hypothesis was that the neutral solution will have more

monosaccharides for its product! However, when I did Lugol's test (iodine), all three solutions tested that there is no

starch in the solution. Does that mean that the product is a disaccharide? I am confused with the results.

How should I modify my lab in order to see changes through the Benedict's reagent, not Lugol's reagent?

Thank you in advance!

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