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Decay Energy of Carbon-11 isotope


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On wiki page
we can read that decay energy of Carbon-11 isotope is

11C -> 11B + e+ + Ve + 0.96 MeV


The first one with 0.96 MeV is correct. I am receiving exactly the same value.


11C + e- -> 11B + Ve + 3.17 MeV


But this one, I am not so sure whether it's correct.


Can someone point me to other sources mentioning this decay energy of Carbon-11 to verify data.. ?

The best would be couple independent sources.


After posting I found this


which mentions 1.982 MeV as decay energy of Carbon-11 (decay through electron capture).

And that was mine previously calculated value too (so I was quite surprised that it doesn't match wiki page)..


Best Regards!

Edited by Sensei
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