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Argument of -i


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An Argand Diagram show two axes, x and y.


It shows all numbers of the form x+iy,


When y=0 all the numbers are of the form x+i0 = x.

That is they are real numbers without an imaginary part.

So this represents the x axis.


When x=0 all the numbers are of the form 0+iy = iy.

This is, of course the y axis.

The numbers long this axis are purely imaginary they have no real part.


All other numbers are complex numbers with both an imaginary and a real part and they cover the rest of the complex plane represented by the Argand Diagram.

For any value of x, y the argument = arctan(y/x).or inverse tan(y/x)


So you are looking for angles that have a tangent of -1.


What angles do you know that have this value?


This angle then defines a line through the origin, but not including it, on the Argand Diagram, every point of which has y/x=-1.

I say not including the origin since this has no argument since you x=y=o and you can't form the quotient y/x.


How many of these will be complex and how many real?

Edited by studiot
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What is the argument of -i?

On an Argand diagram, there is only 1 line...


How would you write this in the form [math]a+bi[/math]? From there, you will know the real and the imaginary parts needed to find its argument.

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