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question about Strong-force potential due to gluons ?


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Approximately stated,


photons carry no EM charge...

so, photons cannot become sources, for the creation, of new photons


Thus, photons are emitted by EM'ly charged particles... and then stream away thru space, essentially in fixed, constant, unchanging number...

and, thereby, (virtual) photons flight-paths trace out the "field lines" of EM fields...

so accounting for


[math]F \propto \frac{number \; field \; lines}{area} \propto \frac{number \; virtual \; photons}{area} \propto \frac{constant}{4 \pi r^2} = \frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}[/math]


But, gluons carry "color" charge...

and thus gluons can create new gluons...


so, as gluons propagate away from some "color" charged source, i.e. some quark...

those gluons will "breed" new gluons...

each of which will then also "breed" new gluons...

each of which new gluons will then "breed" further new gluons...

so on so forth...


And so, would not the number of gluons grow, exponentially, with distance from said quark source ?

And if so, then would not the Strong force, and Strong interaction potential, be dominated, by some term of the vague form


[math]F \propto e^{+\frac{r}{\alpha}}[/math]


where i emphasize the "+" to distinguish the same from the famous Yukawa potential, prominent in nuclear physics

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2-quark mesons mass, order-of-magnitude, 100MeV = 102


3-quark baryons mass, order-of-magnitude, 1000MeV = 103


Q1: does that not suggest, that the interaction energy, of the Strong-force, scales as ~(10 MeV)Nq ?


Q2: what is the implication ?

Q2A: if the Strong interaction, between three quarks, was the sum of three independent pairwise interactions... then the wouldn't the energies scale as ~3 x (10 MeV)2 ?

Q2B: if the Strong interaction, between three quarks, was the product, of three dependent pairwise interactions... where the strength of the interaction depended on how much "red" was interacting with "green", and simultaneously how much "green" was interacting with "blue", and simultaneously how much "red" was interacting with "blue"... then the wouldn't the energies scale as ~((10 MeV)2)3 ?

Q2C: so, does not a scaling relation of ~ (10 MeV)3 imply, that the Strong interaction is a three-quark interaction, where each quark is interacting with some "center" of their nucleon... so that the strength of the interaction is how much "red" is interacting with the "center", times how much "green" is interacting w/ said "center", times how much "blue" is interacting w/ said "center" (because all three quarks must be simultaneously involved, in a single co-interaction, with some single "center") ?


an interaction strength, proportional to the product of the three quarks' individual strong-force color charges, ~(10 MeV)3, suggests, not that each quark is interacting w/ each other (which would be a sum, or product, of pairwise interactions), but that all three are interacting, as if "to" some single "center", of their nucleon ?






if a nucleon is composed of quarks, and gluons... then is there some crude resemblance, to ions and photons, in a plasma ? i.e. nucleons ~= quark-gluon plasma ?

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if gluons are spin-1 bosons...


then how could one gluon, "bifurcate" into two ?


would not needing to conserve spin, require "trifurcation" into three gluons ? If gluons do generate other gluons, why would one gluon be able to "duplicate" into two... wouldn't they always "triplicate" into three ?

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