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SFN the Novel

Cap'n Refsmmat

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Dam I would have loved to have been a camp evil genius trying to take over the world who's execution and torture methods all involved some odd sexual activity.
That certainly would make editing easy for the mods. :rolleyes:


How are you planning on posting the novel, Cap'n? Have you given any thought to logistics?

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Hey All:

: )

Dunno about a lot of things in this great continental novel or novella (perhaps a seriatim?) department, but will suggest what I have learned, hoping for the leave of those who recognize these suggestions and potential contributions as statements of the obvious, whereas, I have learned that they aren't so obvious to quite a few otherwise talented persons I'm blessed to relate to. It has to do with structural considerations. The basic foundational, technical simple stuff:


Every story has a beginning, middle and ending.

It doesn' hurt to rough draft these out in several different scenarios until some combination resonates most satisfactorily. It will begin to take on more of a 'life of it's own' as you perservere. Sometimes a developing story will suggest what it needs... (Dissolute bad endings are not well received...)


Also: The characters need be well defined, per character, usually not all at once per character but in the course of events...

There are exceptions to every rule of creative writing. Do not deprive yerself(s) of that omnniscient latituded. (Don't underestimate yerself. Don't understimate yerself. Don't overstate yerself or yer characters...)


Thre'is a quality called 'tension', especially in novel writing, perhaps the most difficult, tedious and challenging of all world class creative activities.


Tension, uncertainty and restrained apprehension - as well as cowardice and grace under this or that real or imagine pressure, can be introduced in many different ways, since you - the co-authoring team are In Cooperation; even when it's agreeing to disagree.

No social circumstance known to truly yours is without those of ambition and those of slothfulness. Fair and foul one-up - and brinkmanship & gotcha'ism. Those who recognize the avoidable, counterproductive waste and are appalled by it and those who thrive on it whether they recognize it or not.


You have collective and individual license to create a story - or sub-plot - of a group of people struggling to put together a novel, or a theater, or a script, or a casting. That can and probably will take on many forms and innovated translations...


Write about what you know or are interested in learning about.


Ask for and be open to suggestions, when yer lucky enough to find someone to take interest in and evaluate yer yarn from an unbiased pristine. perspective.


'Tension' more or less equals any situation where one or more persons 'must, but cannot'. in whatever situation and/or multiple, compound circumstances. Challenged to overcome obstacles. Disagreement in ranks. In-fighting. As rule, existential life pulsates with the - even trivial as well as more important: - unexpected, often bad and diversionary, apparently 'off topic' news - intrusions of circumstance or persons who don't fit in at first and wind up being important contributions to the story.


The importance of brush strokes such as an expendably - here and gone - barking dog or buzzing insects. Olfactory and other tactile stimulations.


Ephemeral - here and gone - 'uimportances' with which life colorfully abounds; side by side with the black, white and drcret;y terrifying greyness... Different approaches to expressing that every individual is ultimately alone, and what theat person does to avoid such mundane, cnversationally taboo terrors. The ever impending mortal condition and the behavior and attitudes - diversions from thinking of - it. The role of ritual, ceremony and bonding agents of cultural mores. Those who do not or refuse to understand such inspirations.


Parodys of parodys. Enigmas. Subtle symbolisms, non-suerstitous omens. Walk through in and out characters - history - existence is bonded with insignificant events and people. The differences between living and survival.


A main thread of plot around which many lesser plots orbit or are distanced from.


Don't underestimate yerself. Relax about the project but keep - and do not lose - notes. Never mind sequencing. As the - 'unconnected idea' - notes accumulate they will begin to tell you more than you knew you knew...


Hope this helps.

Sincerely wishing this project the best'

Yer only as good as yer last (series of) novel (s).

(I've only written one, BUTTERFLY, OWL & EAGLE, at http://einstein.periphery.cc/ , whereas I usually write documentary material, indeed, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

Create good, bad & oogly characters at least as big as life - which, for all it's sedentary melancholy and longing to be, go and do someone, somewhere, something else - that's a myth about the real adventure of life, however fearfully mundane. Express that, also...)


Please, take care not to be much influenced by TV plots or script writers, unless yer doing a play. Novels may be the most challengng form of all creatively written expression. Fear not reading, writing, and re-writing. Many world class writers have proclaimed that they may have written every sentence, paragraph and chapter in a given book, at least seven or more times...

Good stories are very difficult to slap together. Give little or no thought to any possible reward of any description, beyond the satisfaction delivered with any labor of love. Don't be in a hurry. Avoid deadlines. On the other hand, avoid putting it aside and chancing never wrapping it up - no unfinnished symphonies allowed, even though your story may end on a note which gives its readers a number of choices as to what happened to this or that individual or group of characters, after the 'ending'...

. Choose several beginnings, middles and endings, along with an open mind for altering, expanding, contractiing, plot and circumstance flexibility...


Writing can be a lonely, highly rewarding recreation, stimulation and/or arbiter of life-styles and personal departures and arrivals in and out of this or that world (is often not what it seems). Do not allow misfortune to prevail, thoughit may certainly take it's moribund toll...


Molly Keyboard MacColley says:

Thanks for being here, and there also.


Hope some of this helps one or more of you. Best regards...

- That Rascal Puff.

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boha capn refreshment, if you need any late additions to the cast, then count me in! sounds hoopy.


or i could play all the bit parts, but wearing a different obviously false mustache/pair of glasses for each part to add some comic relief


do the cast get input in what their carechtors do?

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I'm afraid you're a bit late.


Seeing as the enthusiasm has died down quite a bit, I don't really know if this will ever be completed. I do have the first chapter done, however. We could just make this a community project by letting everybody add a chapter...

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Make a new thread for the story only, keep this thread for all discussion on the topic... make a new thread with the official book in only, I'm sure a mod can remove any other posts the get into it!


And yeah, enthusiasm has died down a bit, but I'm sure if you just published it (or the 1st chapter) people would read it.

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OOh OOh I WANNA JOIN! ::cute kitty eyes:: please??? I wanna be a ninja! or the comedic relief! Please Please Please? I have no problems with helping with the writing. I love to write. Please? Just in case its a yes:


Name: Marie

Nickname: Thorn

Codename: Rosecult

Profession: I am The Kitten Ninja! (Or not... I want to be an accountant in real life ^_^)

Apperance: Extreamly pale (very very irish), dark blonde hair, green eyes, short (5'4").

Nationality: Irish

Character: Evil Ninja... comic relief? Ninja who isnt very good?


Please please???!!!

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I know I'm not a regular poster but I would totally fit in as a bad guy!


Name: Scott | Gender: Male

Field interest: Paleoanthropology

Other Interests: things that go boom


Imagine Edward Abbey mixed with George Orwell mixed with Geronimo set in modern times with an interest in guerilla warfare and primitivism


Aw crap, I just realized how long ago the original post was, Oh well

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