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How to treat schizophrenia

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The problem of schizophrenia is the balance between the consciousness and subconsciousness.The balance is violated and consciousness take advantage over subconsciousness.And when the links which made us conscious are interrupted this lead us to schizophrenia.Our mind is build to seek to what we can not reach.This mean that big endeavours being conscious lead us to schizophrenia.

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Every man consist of two personality.The first is logical and is consciousness.The second is subconsciousness and is illogical.Human behaviour consist of two.They consciousness and subconsciousness switch on depending on the situation without we be aware of that.Subconsciousness switchs on when consciousness is unable to solve a problem like strange thinking.When consciousness is blocked for some reason subconsciousness replace it without our understanding.Strange thinking leads to strange actions which is symptom for schizophrenia.

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That would mean if you removed the problem that switched on the subconscious then the schizophrenic reaction would be cured. I think you are confusing schizophrenia with a brief psychotic episode.


Their are many mental illnesses that produce "schizophrenic like" symptoms such as psychosis and delusions but they are not true schizophrenia.


Many are stress induced, large amounts of caffeine, sleep deprivation, even lack of protein in a severe form can cause "schizophrenic like" symptoms, The symptoms disappear when the physical or psychological stress disappears, True schizophrenia however does not.

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