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need help with simple machines


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  • 5 weeks later...

Uh ok.


Well basically first you stick some energy in and later you get some energy out.


If you get all the energy out that you put in, then you have 100% efficiency.


If you get only half of it out then you have 50% efficiency.


Usually you loose some energy along the way due to friction.

heat is the way that friction chews up some of the energy you put in.


Sometimes the energy you put in is not so obvious.

gravity for example.


Newton did quite a few experiments and came up with several laws.

You will most likely be copying his first experiments.

He was an amazing but totally strange fellow.

see if you can get a book about him.

that will help you get a feel for the excitement of the time and his strange world of discovery.


what kind of contraption are you thinking of building?

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